Saturday 10 December 2016

A Christmas Tree of Books

Christmas is fast approaching and you may be looking for an interesting book to read when you get that quiet moment after the festivities are over.
Amazon has a wide variety of books and authors to choose from.
Kobo, Nook, Scribd, Apple, Page Foundry, 24 Symbols, and Tolino, also have a wide variety of books.
If you are a member of Goodreads you can find many books suitable with your genre and taste.
Today I would like to leave you with this quote:
“Books are silent friends and should be treated well. I am proud of my books. I hope that my children will use them and preserve them when I am gone from this world. Human friends may betray you, but not so with books. Books contain wisdom for our understanding, humour for our entertainment, information for our development, and matter for our pleasure.”
― Brenda Mohammed, Memoirs of Dr. Andrew Moonir Khan - A Great Educator In Trinidad and Tobago

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