Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Pet Lovers listen to a Free sample of Audio book for She Cried For me
She Cried for Me: Autobiography of a Dog Brenda Mohammed is now available in an Audiobook.
You will love to hear Shaina Summerville of Findaway Voices narrate this story.
She did an amazing job.
Check out the sample at this link.
It is also available on Barnes and Nobles Nook Audio Books
Other places available are as follows:
24symbols / Audible, Amazon, Apple / / Beek / Downpour / eStories / Google Play / hibooks / Hummingbird / Instaread / Kobo, Walmart / Libro.FM / Nextory / NOOK Audiobooks / Playster / Scribd / 3Leaf Group / Baker & Taylor / Bibliotheca / EBSCO / Follett / hoopla / Mackin / Odilo / Overdrive / Perma-Bound / Wheelers
Sunday, 13 August 2017
Books by Author Brenda Mohammed available at all Digital Stores.
I just want to let all my readers know that in addition to Amazon, CreateSpace, and Barnes and Nobles, my books are available at several other digital stores.
Click on the name of each book to find Nook, Apple, Kobo, Scribd, Playster, 24 Symbols, Inktera, Indigo, Angus and Robertson and Mandadori Book Stores
Revenge of Zeeka: Horror Trilogy
Squeaky Doo in Trinidad FREE
Zeeka and the Zombies FREE
Memoirs of Dr. Andrew Moonir Khan: Journey of an Educator
She Cried for Me: Autobiography of a Dog
Adventures of Squeaky Doo: A Teddy Bear's Adventures
Zeeka Returns: Revenge of Zeeka Book 3
Stories People Love
Heart-Warming Tales
Zeeka's Ghost
Travel Memoirs with Pictures: Exploring the World
I am Cancer Free: A Memoir
Your Time is Now: A Time to be Born and a Time to Die
Retirement is Fun: A New Chapter
My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living
Zeeka's Child
Zeeka Chronicles
Zeeka's Ghost
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
A True Tale - A Poem in the book I am Cancer Free: A Memoir
The poem in the video was written by Author Brenda Mohammed
Listen to the book description in Video.
Here is Brenda's biography in Video
See this #AmazonGiveaway for a chance to win: Zeeka Chronicles (Revenge of Zeeka) (Kindle Edition).
Ends the earlier of May 6, 2017, 11:59 PM PDT, or when all prizes are claimed.
See Official Rules
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Video Book Trailer for Stories People Love
Short Stories of Crime, Adventure and Love are contained in Stories People Love which is suitable for both young adult and mature audiences.
1.A Headmaster's Daughter - When little value was placed on education for girls, a passionate young girl finds true love with a brilliant scholar.
2.Travel Dreams of Yesterday - Two young adventurous girls take a trip across the world.
3.The Dirtiest of all evils - A thrilling murder mystery that will keep you guessing as to how it will all end.
4. Age Difference - A Love Story. True love knows no bounds but can there be a limit to the age of your partner?
"Loved this collection of short stories- well-written, fun, and engaging! The author included a good mix of story lines. My personal favorite was 'Travel Dreams of Yesterday' - the trips the girls took to Europe. 5 stars"
GET THE BOOK AT AMAZON UNIVERSAL LINK Buy it in Paperback and get the Ebook Free.
5.0 out of 5.0 stars
Stories People Love
It is amazing to see the imaginative mind of the author, Brenda Mohammed, who tells these so true to life tales.
These are indeed stories that people will love to read -some fiction and some truthful.
The Headmaster's Daughter dates back to the 1950';s. This story gives an excellent idea of how life was lived during those days. The strict Headmaster was feared by everyone but love conquered all in the end. Children obeyed their parents no matter what. Education was the goal of many and Paul in spite of having to leave his love behind went ahead to further his studies. That caused great admiration for him and when he returned to ask for Marie's hand in marriage, her father readily agreed. Marie's dream had come true, True love and further education were brought to her door.
This is indeed a remarkable story and should be read by everyone who believes love conquers all and there is always a whispering hope in the air.
Travel Dreams of Yesterday is an exciting, true story of two girls travelling abroad for the first time. This story gives details of all the fun and adventures they had and the many challenges faced and how they were overcome. Their beautiful memories stay with them always.
The author has even included a poem about this first travel abroad.
The Dirtiest of all Evils; tells the story of murder, a change from her other stories. It is nail-biting and grips you with fear and anxiety. Belief in God changed the entire plot. Read why Mark was set free.
ByJosephine Calabrese on February 17, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Stories People Love: Short Stories of Crime, Adventure, and Love
By Brenda Mohammed
These are fictional short stories which will get you thinking about life's choices. Do you follow tradition or follow your own heart?
The book is well written and I rate it five stars.
5.0 out of 5 starsLoved this collection of short stories
ByAmazonianon January 23, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Loved this collection of short stories- well-written, fun, and engaging! The author included a good mix of storylines. My personal favorite was ‘Travel Dreams of Yesterday’ – the trips the girls took to Europe. 5 stars
5.0 out of 5 starsGreat reading for a Suncay afternoon
By reader2010 on December 24, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Great little set of short stories all inspirational. Love, life, and loyalty. Great for a Sunday afternoon.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Greatlittle collection that will make you think (especially if you are a travel fan like me!)
ByKato's Revenge on February 21, 2016
Format: Paperback
'The Moral of this story is to never give up on your dreams.' - author Brenda Mohammed.
With a title like Stories People Love,, this book already had a lot to live up to. As I read each of the four short stories in turn, the change from fiction to non-fiction made reading this collection all the more pleasurable.
As a bit of a travel fiend myself, the stand out story for me is Travel Dreams of Yesterday. The author writes this so well that you really feel you are journeying along with her.
Is it a spoiler to say each story is a heart warming one (a reference to one of the author's other works) ?
I don't think so. Each element of the collection's opener, A Headmaster's Daughter, twists and turns and demands that you keep reading.
The Dirtiest of All Evils is intriguing as a murder mystery and seems initially out of place. But reading the stories again, it feels a good fit.
This is a neat and extremely readable collection and shows an author who is able to write fiction and non-fiction elements seamlessly. It's not an easy combination and yet the author pulls it off admirably.
5.0 out of 5 starsA collection of stories, poems and an informative article all connected by the common theme of hope
ByArabella Persaud
on September 4, 2014
Format: Paperback
In "Stories People Love", the author combines several genres in one collection.
My favorite story of the collection is "The Headmaster's Daughter". It is a beautiful, finely developed tale that deals with the romance of Marie and Paul in the 1950's. After some setbacks in their relationship, they finally marry proving to all that love always triumphs.
"The Dirtiest of All Evils" is shorter but exciting in its own way. Mark almost confesses to a murder he did not commit because he believes he is protecting his brother. The true details of the crime eventually emerge and vindicate Mark.
"Travel Dreams of Yesterday" relates the author's journey, with her friend Sylvia, to New York, Toronto, London, Germany, and Holland. It is a detailed chronicle of their wonderful experiences and safe return home.
Typical of the style of the author, these stories are easy to read and understand. The common thread that unites each piece in this collection is hope. The theme running through each story is that with hope and faith, nothing can ever go wrong. It is a theme that can be found in all of the author's work. I highly recommend this book.
5.0 out of 5 starsPositive reading
ByReviewed.By.Meon September 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition
This book is brilliantly filled with stories and poems that are easy to read and which also contains valuable life information. They range from fiction to non-fictional stories as well as poems, which are artfully written to provide a positive reading experience.
Friday, 24 March 2017
What is Squeaky Doo up to?
Adventures of Squeaky Doo : A Teddy Bear's Adventures is the Travel Memoirs of Squeaky Doo.
Unfortunately, Squeaky Doo meets with disaster each time he travels.
Children will fall in love with Squeaky Doo who relates each story himself.
1. Squeaky Doo on the Beach - What perils will he face?
2. Squeaky Doo in California - Will he get lost?
3. Squeaky Doo in Orlando - Can he escape misfortune?
4.Squeaky Doo goes on a Cruise - Will he get left on the ship?
5.Squeaky Doo in Trinidad - In such an exotic island what can go wrong?
This short story collection teaches children Geography, Cultures, and love for pets.
Get the book at Amazon Universal Link
Monday, 13 March 2017
Book Reviews for Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5

Mandy's new robot helper Eve encounters a stranger in the backyard.
He claims to have connections with Zeeka.
Who is this stranger?
When he learns that Eve is a robot, he discloses his story to her.
Eve promises him to keep their conversation secret but can she?
She records it on her security device and plays it for Steven and Mandy.
When he collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, Eve alerts the Gosh hospital
Tests and records reveal the stranger's identity.
Police records show that he died in the Carnival massacre in 2036, but did he?
Steven faces opposition to launch his greatest invention of the century.
Who will be the first volunteer to test it?
Read Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5 for all the answers.
The Book has been receiving positive reviews to date.
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsThe book four seemed to conclude the thrilling story and could easily be the last one in the series
By Katie on March 4, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This book is a must- read for all fans of the Zeeka series.
The book four seemed to conclude the thrilling story and could easily be the last one in the series, but the author surprised me with the fifth book and did not disappoint. Even though the ghost of Zeeka already found his final rest in the book four, someone else who had appeared to be dead, reappears by Zeeka’s grave in Resurrection. One could think that the title of the book points out to his resurrection from the dead, but nothing is as it seems at first glance. Steven and his team of scientists are working on a breakthrough invention in medicine, which can cure severely disabled patients in a way that resembles resurrection. While the series started with possible abuse of medical technology, the last book leaves us hopeful that technology can one day serve us better than most of us can imagine.
5.0 out of 5 starsThe end for Zeeka
By Reviewed.By.Me on March 9, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
A questionable character returns from one of the previous books to cause even more disarray in the lives of the people and robots of Gosh. Dr. Steven Sharpe's reputation is put on the line when he attempts an unimaginable cure to help a man desperate for a new life. Resurrection is the fifth book and closes (maybe!) the Zeeka series on a high note. Like its predecessors, I found this book easy to read. However, this one, in particular, left me with a sense of fulfillment because the author finally seemed to put Zeeka to rest peacefully.
5.0 out of 5 stars
As a reader, I do like ghost stories and this paranormal element was handled well ...
By Kato's Revenge on February 27, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
In an entertaining conclusion to the Zeeka series, Resurrection brings the story full circle. If you haven’t read any of the stories in the series, it’s worth starting with book one ‘Revenge of Zeeka’ just to see the author evolve alongside the story and her characters.
For me, the high point of the series was this book’s predecessor, Zeeka’s Ghost, but then, as a reader I do like ghost stories and this paranormal element was handled well in book four.
This final installment is quite surprising as it brings back the rather disturbing character of Nine from book one. Nine is on a mission all of his own, and when he learns of technology that may save him from the Zika virus and help him on his ultimate goal (read to find out) – he’s all for the procedure, despite the risks.
Aside from this storyline the quirkiness of the robot Eve adds some humour to the story. The characters that have been with us throughout the series get a good send off too.
The book is available in both Kindle and Paperback at Amazon Universal Link
and at Books2Read Universal Link
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Resurrection : Revenge of Zeeka Book 5
Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5 was released on Friday 25th, 2017.
On 27th Feb. 2017, the book received a five-star review.
as a reader, I do like ghost stories and this paranormal element was handled well ...
ByKato's Revenge on February 27, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
In an entertaining conclusion to the Zeeka series, Resurrection brings the story full circle. If you haven’t read any of the stories in the series, it’s worth starting with book one ‘Revenge of Zeeka’ just to see the author evolve alongside the story and her characters.
For me, the high point of the series was this book’s predecessor, Zeeka’s Ghost, but then, as a reader I do like ghost stories and this paranormal element was handled well in book four.
This final installment is quite surprising as it brings back the rather disturbing character of Nine from book one. Nine is on a mission all of his own, and when he learns of technology that may save him from the Zika virus and help him on his ultimate goal (read to find out) – he’s all for the procedure, despite the risks.
Aside from this storyline the quirkiness of the robot Eve adds some humour to the story. The characters that have been with us throughout the series get a good send off too.
The book is available in Kindle and paperback at Amazon Universal Link and at Books2 Read Universal link
Friday, 24 February 2017
Zeeka Chronicles - New Releases
Dear Readers, I have a surprise for you.
I have decided to put all five books into one book which will cost cheaper than if you bought all five.
With the paperbacks, you will be getting a really good bargain by buying Zeeka Chronicles which comprises of all five books.
Book Description
Zeeka Chronicles is a spine –chilling series of stories about betrayal, kidnapping, revenge, secrets, lies, murder, and evil.
It is the story of one man’s misuse of science for vengeance.
To what end is he willing to go to unleash terror on the island?
Can the authorities stop him? Will it be too late? Will he and his zombies escape the law?
One man knows his secrets. Can he stop him before there are more mayhem and bloodshed?
Book Description
Mandy’s new robot helper Eve encounters a stranger in the backyard.
He claims to have connections with Zeeka. Who is this stranger?
When he learns that Eve is a robot, he discloses his story to her.
Eve promises him to keep their conversation secret but can she?
She records it on her security device and plays it for Steven and Mandy.
When he collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, Eve alerts the Gosh hospital
Tests and records reveal the stranger’s identity.
Police records show that he died in the Carnival massacre in 2036, but did he?
Steven faces opposition to launch his greatest invention of the century.
Who will be the first volunteer to test it?
Both Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5 and Zeeka Chronicles are being released on the same day, ie 25th February 2017.
The books are available on Amazon Universal Link in Kindle and Paperback and on Books2 Read Universal Link
24 symbols,
amazon ebooks,
Barnes and Nobles,
Create Space books,
cyberpunk science fiction,
Page Foundry,
science fiction,
zeeka chronicles,
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Resurrection : Revenge of Zeeka Book 5
Here is a sneak peek at the fifth book in the Zeeka Series which is soon to be released.
Here is the Book Description:
Mandy’s new robot helper Eve encounters a stranger in the backyard.
He claims to have connections with Zeeka. Who is this stranger?
When he learns that Eve is a robot, he discloses his story to her.
Eve promises him to keep his story secret but can she?
She records the conversation on her security device and plays it for Steven and Mandy.
When he collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, Eve alerts the Gosh hospital
Tests and records reveal the stranger’s identity.
Police records show that he died in the Carnival massacre in 2036, but did he?
Steven gets his opportunity to launch his greatest invention of the century.
Who will be the first lucky volunteer to test the machine?
Read The Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5 for this intriguing story.
If you have not read Revenge of Zeeka Books 4 now is the time to do so. Books are available at Amazon
Universal Link
Here is the Book Description:
Mandy’s new robot helper Eve encounters a stranger in the backyard.
He claims to have connections with Zeeka. Who is this stranger?
When he learns that Eve is a robot, he discloses his story to her.
Eve promises him to keep his story secret but can she?
She records the conversation on her security device and plays it for Steven and Mandy.
When he collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, Eve alerts the Gosh hospital
Tests and records reveal the stranger’s identity.
Police records show that he died in the Carnival massacre in 2036, but did he?
Steven gets his opportunity to launch his greatest invention of the century.
Who will be the first lucky volunteer to test the machine?
Read The Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5 for this intriguing story.
If you have not read Revenge of Zeeka Books 4 now is the time to do so. Books are available at Amazon
Universal Link
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Stories People Love - A great Read at Christmas
Short Stories of Crime, Adventure and Love are contained in Stories People Love.
1.A Headmaster's Daughter - In the fifties, when little value was placed on education for girls, a passionate young girl finds true love with a brilliant scholar.
2.Travel Dreams of Yesterday - Two young adventurous girls take a trip across the world in the sixties.
3.The Dirtiest of all evils - A thrilling murder mystery that will keep you guessing as to how it will all end.
4. Age Difference - A Love Story. True love knows no bounds but can there be a limit to the age of your partner?
Get your copy today.
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Great little collection, that will make you think (especially if you are a travel fan like me!)
By Kato's Revenge on February 21, 2016
Format: Paperback
'The Moral of this story is to never give up on your dreams.' - author Brenda Mohammed.
With a title like Stories People Love,, this book already had a lot to live up to. As I read each of the four short stories. in turn, the change from fiction to non-fiction made reading this collection all the more pleasurable.
As a bit of a travel fiend myself, the stand out story for me is Travel Dreams of Yesterday. The author writes this so well that you really feel you are journeying along with her.
Is it a spoiler to say each story is a heart warming one (a reference to one of the author's other works)?
I don't think so. Each element of the collection's opener, A Headmaster's Daughter, twists and turns and demands that you keep reading.
The Dirtiest of All Evils is intriguing as a murder mystery and seems initially out of place. But reading the stories again, it feels a good fit.
This is a neat and extremely readable collection and shows an author who is able to write fiction and non-fiction elements seamlessly. It's not an easy combination and yet the author pulls it off admirably.
Short Stories of Crime, Adventure and Love are contained in Stories People Love.
1.A Headmaster's Daughter - In the fifties, when little value was placed on education for girls, a passionate young girl finds true love with a brilliant scholar.
2.Travel Dreams of Yesterday - Two young adventurous girls take a trip across the world in the sixties.
3.The Dirtiest of all evils - A thrilling murder mystery that will keep you guessing as to how it will all end.
4. Age Difference - A Love Story. True love knows no bounds but can there be a limit to the age of your partner?
Get your copy today.
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Great little collection, that will make you think (especially if you are a travel fan like me!)
By Kato's Revenge on February 21, 2016
Format: Paperback
'The Moral of this story is to never give up on your dreams.' - author Brenda Mohammed.
With a title like Stories People Love,, this book already had a lot to live up to. As I read each of the four short stories. in turn, the change from fiction to non-fiction made reading this collection all the more pleasurable.
As a bit of a travel fiend myself, the stand out story for me is Travel Dreams of Yesterday. The author writes this so well that you really feel you are journeying along with her.
Is it a spoiler to say each story is a heart warming one (a reference to one of the author's other works)?
I don't think so. Each element of the collection's opener, A Headmaster's Daughter, twists and turns and demands that you keep reading.
The Dirtiest of All Evils is intriguing as a murder mystery and seems initially out of place. But reading the stories again, it feels a good fit.
This is a neat and extremely readable collection and shows an author who is able to write fiction and non-fiction elements seamlessly. It's not an easy combination and yet the author pulls it off admirably.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Review of Banker turns Writer 2016
2016 was an amazing year for me as a writer.
I never expected to win awards for two of my books.
I surprised myself by publishing Revenge of Zeeka : Horror Trilogy which received a five-star seal from Readers Favorite International.
Thanks to all my readers for their support.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Travel Memoirs with Pictures - Exploring the World
Travel Memoirs with Pictures is a memoir of the author's travels around the world. The author relates the family adventures and describes places visited and the wonderful times she and her family had in their tourist trips. One reviewer said, "Travel Memoirs With Pictures offers readers a personal glance into one tourist's view of many different places, and the different ways one can travel to them." Another said, "A true travel memoir, which is filled with wonderful family memories anyone can appreciate. A fan of travel, the author takes us along on each trip as if we were right there with her. Great to read while on a vacation or when you just want to feel like you're on vacation.
I wrote Travel Memoirs with Pictures to record all the places that I have visited in my Lifetime.
However, I continue to travel and may have to consider writing Part II of the book.
The following are the Top Reviews.
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsI'll be looking at booking plane tickets after reading this! So will you....
By Kato's Revenge on May 15, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
Travel Memoirs With Pictures is the second travelogue I have read this year, and just like the other book, readers will find themselves treated to a pictorial story as they go along. Some books like these tend to be 'photo-heavy' and rather redundant with the actual test.
In other words, pretty pictures alone do not make for a great book. So it's with pleasure that this book gives us insight into many countries.
I paid particular regard to places I had been to before in this book, for example, places like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Italy, France (because I have been to these places before) and others.
Of the places I haven't yet been to, I would dearly love to go to Cartegena (in fact, thank you Author for putting this idea in my head!), but readers will have their own choices as they read the book.
Of course, the author has been to England and to my country's capital, London. As a national I must say that whilst London is definitely worth visiting, there are many gems in England that people don't know about. Aside from writing I do love to get out there and see what England....10 minutes drive in any direction from where I live, has to offer.
Travel Memoirs With Pictures offers readers a personal glance into one tourist's view of many different places, and the different ways one can travel to them.
Recommended for anyone who has the travel bug!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Loved this travel memoir!
By Amazonian on August 30, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
This is a great travel memoir. The author has been so many amazing places! I loved her descriptions of Spain and Italy – two of my favorite destinations. She also included some terrific pictures. A 5-star travel memoir!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Vacation Fun
By Reviewed.By.Me on September 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition
A true travel memoir, which is filled with wonderful family memories anyone can appreciate. A fan of travel, the author takes us along on each trip as if we were right there with her.
Great to read while on a vacation or when you just want to feel like you're on vacation.
The Book is available at Amazon Universal Link
Books2Read Universal Link
Travel Memoirs with Pictures is a memoir of the author's travels around the world. The author relates the family adventures and describes places visited and the wonderful times she and her family had in their tourist trips. One reviewer said, "Travel Memoirs With Pictures offers readers a personal glance into one tourist's view of many different places, and the different ways one can travel to them." Another said, "A true travel memoir, which is filled with wonderful family memories anyone can appreciate. A fan of travel, the author takes us along on each trip as if we were right there with her. Great to read while on a vacation or when you just want to feel like you're on vacation.
I wrote Travel Memoirs with Pictures to record all the places that I have visited in my Lifetime.
However, I continue to travel and may have to consider writing Part II of the book.
The following are the Top Reviews.
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsI'll be looking at booking plane tickets after reading this! So will you....
By Kato's Revenge on May 15, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
Travel Memoirs With Pictures is the second travelogue I have read this year, and just like the other book, readers will find themselves treated to a pictorial story as they go along. Some books like these tend to be 'photo-heavy' and rather redundant with the actual test.
In other words, pretty pictures alone do not make for a great book. So it's with pleasure that this book gives us insight into many countries.
I paid particular regard to places I had been to before in this book, for example, places like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Italy, France (because I have been to these places before) and others.
Of the places I haven't yet been to, I would dearly love to go to Cartegena (in fact, thank you Author for putting this idea in my head!), but readers will have their own choices as they read the book.
Of course, the author has been to England and to my country's capital, London. As a national I must say that whilst London is definitely worth visiting, there are many gems in England that people don't know about. Aside from writing I do love to get out there and see what England....10 minutes drive in any direction from where I live, has to offer.
Travel Memoirs With Pictures offers readers a personal glance into one tourist's view of many different places, and the different ways one can travel to them.
Recommended for anyone who has the travel bug!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Loved this travel memoir!
By Amazonian on August 30, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
This is a great travel memoir. The author has been so many amazing places! I loved her descriptions of Spain and Italy – two of my favorite destinations. She also included some terrific pictures. A 5-star travel memoir!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Vacation Fun
By Reviewed.By.Me on September 29, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition
A true travel memoir, which is filled with wonderful family memories anyone can appreciate. A fan of travel, the author takes us along on each trip as if we were right there with her.
Great to read while on a vacation or when you just want to feel like you're on vacation.
The Book is available at Amazon Universal Link
Books2Read Universal Link
Saturday, 10 December 2016
A Christmas Tree of Books
Christmas is fast approaching and you may be looking for an interesting book to read when you get that quiet moment after the festivities are over.
Amazon has a wide variety of books and authors to choose from.
Kobo, Nook, Scribd, Apple, Page Foundry, 24 Symbols, and Tolino, also have a wide variety of books.
If you are a member of Goodreads you can find many books suitable with your genre and taste.
Today I would like to leave you with this quote:
“Books are silent friends and should be treated well. I am proud of my books. I hope that my children will use them and preserve them when I am gone from this world. Human friends may betray you, but not so with books. Books contain wisdom for our understanding, humour for our entertainment, information for our development, and matter for our pleasure.”
― Brenda Mohammed, Memoirs of Dr. Andrew Moonir Khan - A Great Educator In Trinidad and Tobago
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of the Future World.
I wrote a Poem and would like to share it. It is based on Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and is applicable to the world today.The poem is included amongst others in a section of the memoir - YOUR TIME IS NOW: A TIME TO BE BORN AND A TIME TO DIE.
Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which he was unable to cipher,
A statue with a head made of fine gold, with chest and arms of silver.
Belly and thighs of bronze and legs of iron displayed,
Its feet combined of iron and clay had Nebuchadnezzar amazed.
A mighty rock smashed the statue’s feet causing it to sway
And after shattering it to bits the wind blew the bits away.
The rock covered the earth and Nebuchadnezzar awoke
He pondered on this dream and his thoughts were provoked.
Magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers were consulted.
But all scratched their heads and Nebuchadnezzar felt insulted.
Because the meaning of this dream was beyond their imagination
And Nebuchadnezzar felt mad and ordered their execution.
But Daniel a captive from Judah offered an explanation,
That brought Nebuchadnezzar great jubilation.
Daniel said that Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold
His kingdom was strong and he would be bold.
But after his kingdom had reached its end.
An inferior one would rule again.
And yet another would rise after the second had fallen.
A kingdom of bronze would be the third to have risen.
Following that kingdom, there would be a fourth, strong as iron,
That kingdom would crush previous empires.
It would be divided however as clay and iron cannot mix,
But the kingdom of God would rise in its midst.
The kingdom of God will be as solid as a rock.
No one can crush it, whoever tries will be out of luck.
The dream was true and its meaning was certain.
The kingdom of God would stand forever unending”
― Brenda Mohammed
YOUR TIME IS NOW is available at Amazon Universal Link
Create Space Estore
Books2Read Universal Link
Barnes and Nobles
24 symbola,
amazon kindle ebooks,
Barnes and Nobles,
Create Space books,
future world,
kingdom of God,
nebuchadnezzar's dream,
Page Foundry,
Your Time is Now
Monday, 5 December 2016
Download your Free Book - Revenge of Zeeka :Zeeka and the Zombies
Zeeka and The Zombies: Revenge of Zeeka Book 1, is the first in a science fiction thriller series about futuristic zombies and their Master Zeeka, set in the year 2036.
It is the first story in Revenge of Zeeka:Horror Trilogy, which obtained a five-star review and five-star seal from Readers Favorite International in September 2016.
If you love zombie thrillers, futuristic zombies at that, with a subtle mix of love and romance, do not miss this PERMAFREE action-packed novella.
The book is available for FREE DOWNLOAD at the following stores:
Download it at AMAZON
Books2Read Universal Link
Saturday, 3 December 2016
My husband finally read my book - Retirement is Fun: A New Chapter
My husband finally read my book "Retirement is Fun : A New Chapter."
He decided to read the book prior to attending a retirement party for one of my relatives.
He commented as follows:
" This is a wonderful account of your Retirement and all the things you have accomplished after leaving your first job.
You have demonstrated that Life does not stop at Retirement.
Life is about the choices you make.
Retirement is really a New Chapter.
You have proven this."
Retirement is Fun : A New Chapter was referred to at that function by one of the speakers.
She said 'Retirement is Fun : A New Chapter is the best book she read on Retirement and that she will recommend it to all.
Incidentally, she was the person who wrote the Foreword to the book.
Here it is :
Have you thought about your retirement, which will take place sometime in the future?
Many persons dread retirement. Some even look forward to it.
When you read this book, “Retirement is Fun” written by Mrs. Brenda Mohammed you will realize that no matter how you may think of your retirement, when you do retire, it can be a season of great joy and happiness. You will begin to realize too, that when one door closes another even more beautiful door opens for you.
You are truly able to see the beauty of life, and enjoy the beauty of time, time to spend with your children, grandchildren, siblings and to explore new horizons just like the author did.
She was able to face many of life’s challenges too when they did occur because of the beauty of the unlimited time and unconditional love of her family.
So all readers, my advice to you is to keep working while you are young and look forward to those glorious days of retirement ahead of you.
Read this book and see the wonders of retirement experienced first-hand by the author who at first was devastated by her sudden retirement in her still youthful days.
She learned through her many experiences that retirement is a time to enjoy life.
The author has undoubtedly proved that when she retired from her first job, she did not retire from life.
Florabelle Lutchman [Retired School Principal]
Retirement is Fun was a Nominee in Metamorph's Publishing Summer Indie Book Awards 2016.
The book is available at Amazon
Books2Read Universal Link
Barnes and Nobles
Create Space
Friday, 25 November 2016
So you thought that Retirement was no Fun
Retirement is Fun - A New Chapter is a sequel to "My Life as a Banker - A Life Worth Living."
The author learned through her many experiences at the end of her banking career, that retirement is a time to enjoy life.
She faced many challenges such as cancer, deaths of loved ones, and an accident, which made her realize that life is very short.On the other hand, she landed a new job in an Insurance company and had numerous travel opportunities after she left her job at the bank.
The author has surely proven that when she retired from her first job she definitely did not retire from life. For her, Retirement is indeed fun.
Review by Readers Favorite:
Retirement is Fun: A New Chapter by Brenda Mohammed is an interesting memoir where the author shares with readers her moments after retirement and how it is a time when everyone should sit back and enjoy life. After reading this book, no one will dread retirement. They will all look forward to it and use that time to enjoy the beauty of life, spend more time with the family, and experience their unconditional love. Retiring from the job does not mean one retires from life because one gets time to appreciate the beauty of unlimited time and use it effectively by doing things they missed out on doing while they were working
The book is uplifting as it makes everyone who is going to retire look forward to it. The author's experiences and adventures after retirement give readers ideas on how to handle their lives in a good and happy way after retiring from their jobs. Brenda Mohammed shows by example how one's attitude can make a difference to everything and life can be enjoyed at any age, irrespective of whether you are young or not.
The memoir is simple and chronicles the author's life and events, taking readers into her space. The memoir is a good read; readers can connect well with what the author says and the events and experiences in her life, and the way she handles life is tangible. The words of wisdom from Dr Murdoch quoted at the end of the book are very inspirational and will help readers look at life in a positive way. An interesting book for all those who are going to retire from their jobs and want to know how to handle life after that.
Comment by a British Writer Margaret Lossl shared on LinkedIn
"We all face challenges. I have found that 'what doesn't kill you will make you stronger' to be true. I have recently met an inspirational writer Brenda Mohammed and in her book 'Retirement is Fun: A New Chapter' (Amazon) she reveals her triumph over hazardous challenges. Her positive outlook and faith carry her through the difficult phase between her high-profile job in a bank and retirement, but it is in these halcyon days of retirement, that life really throws her a curved ball. No matter what you are going through, make it count and enable growth. You are not alone.
Retirement is Fun : A new Chapter was a nominee in the Metamorph's Publishing Summer Indie Book Awards 2016.
Available at Amazon
Books2Read Universal Link
Barnes and Nobles
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Dear Readers
Dear Readers,
This is a special letter to all my valued readers.
To date, I have written fourteen books.
It took me a few years to write those books.
I love writing, but I love to hear the opinions of others about my writing.
Three of my memoirs have received recognition in award competitions.
I am excited about that.
What makes me more excited is when I see reviews posted on Amazon and Goodreads from my readers stating that they have enjoyed my books.
I get so excited that I publish the reviews on Facebook, Twitter, my three blogs, Tumblr, Reddit, Flipboard, and on all the social media.
You can virtually see me jumping up and down because I received a review.
My books are published on several platforms to make it easy for you to access.
They are available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Create Space, Nook, Kobo, Apple, Scribd, 24 Symbols, Page Foundry, and even Smashwords.
I have a permafree book on Amazon.
Revenge of Zeeka : Zeeka and the Zombies is free on all platforms.
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Thursday, 24 November 2016
Thanks to the Reader who understands the concept of Revenge of Zeeka : Horror Trilogy.
The following is the latest five-star review I received from a reader who is also an author who has published two popular books.
A wonderful sci-fi zombie trilogy
By Katerina Sestakova on November 21, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
Five - Stars
Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies
This is a story about a mad scientist who got really mad. We do not learn about him and his motives much in this book since it’s just the first part of the series. Yet Brenda Mohammed shows us the first consequences of his madness in this clever story about a virus outbreak leading to an emergence of strange zombie-like people. The fast pace and amount of action keeps this story thrilling. At the same time, the author manages to give us a glimpse of the main characters’ feelings that do not concern the zombies directly. We can observe a young doctor planning her marriage and her admirer’s disappointment. This seems to be a plot within the main plot, and it makes this story more complex, the characters easier to relate to, which is not easy to achieve in such a short story that is packed with action. Yet there is a final twist that reveals to us that personal lives of the main protagonists may be infected by Zeeka’s influence more than it seems at first glance.
This book leaves many questions unanswered and makes me look forward to reading the sequels. I can even imagine this book as a good movie.
Zeeka's Child (Revenge of Zeeka Book 2)
This is an interesting science fiction story about zombies who were created with the help of modern science. They differ from traditional zombies in many aspects. They are controlled by their mysterious master Zeeka through sophisticated technology. Many of them do not even eat human flesh, but that trait alone does not make them harmless.
The core of this book in the series focuses on a relatively fresh couple, Jane,t and Raynor. Janet finds out she is pregnant with the man she had been engaged to before Raynor. He is not just an ordinary ex, but someone whom they both see as a mad scientist. Yet the child in her womb is not the only reminder of her past. There is also a necklace her former lover gave to Janet, which contains more secrets than it seems at first glance. It’s a fascinating tale of kidnap, arson and a lot of other action. There are many shocking twists, but the main one revolves around the question who Zeeka’s child is.
The second book answers many questions the first book left us with, but it also poses many new questions. That’s why i am already looking forward to reading the third book.
I read this book in one sitting since it’s difficult to put down once one starts to read it. The story itself is quite complex for such a short book. There are not many authors who can say so much without wasting a single word. Brenda Mohammed excels in this respect.
Zeeka Returns (Revenge of Zeeka Book 3)
If I am not mistaken, this third book was originally meant to be the last one in the series but the good news is that there is already Revenge of Zeeka Book 4 out. The author seems to be a genius in writing short pieces that seem to be complete and finished stories in themselves, yet they all leave some space for a next book. This third book could easily be read and enjoyed without knowledge of the previous books in the series. The author reminds us of all the important information without boring the readers who are already familiar with it. This requires some special talent few writers have. It also enables readers to read these books in any order. I read this book long after the first book and shortly after the second book and I was never lost. I will still want to read the fourth book pretty soon for the simple reason that I can’t wait to read it.
My favorite character was Miranda, the perfect woman. She is a result of very advanced technology, just as all the zombies in these books are. Her appearance in the third book makes me more hopeful about human progress. While the story of zombies points out the potential misuse of science, Miranda shows its positive side, which is only good for the overall balance in my opinion.
I thank this reader for understanding the concept of the book and for her great review.
The book is available at:
Amazon Universal Link
Barnes and Nobles
Create Space
A wonderful sci-fi zombie trilogy
By Katerina Sestakova on November 21, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
Five - Stars
Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies
This is a story about a mad scientist who got really mad. We do not learn about him and his motives much in this book since it’s just the first part of the series. Yet Brenda Mohammed shows us the first consequences of his madness in this clever story about a virus outbreak leading to an emergence of strange zombie-like people. The fast pace and amount of action keeps this story thrilling. At the same time, the author manages to give us a glimpse of the main characters’ feelings that do not concern the zombies directly. We can observe a young doctor planning her marriage and her admirer’s disappointment. This seems to be a plot within the main plot, and it makes this story more complex, the characters easier to relate to, which is not easy to achieve in such a short story that is packed with action. Yet there is a final twist that reveals to us that personal lives of the main protagonists may be infected by Zeeka’s influence more than it seems at first glance.
This book leaves many questions unanswered and makes me look forward to reading the sequels. I can even imagine this book as a good movie.
Zeeka's Child (Revenge of Zeeka Book 2)
This is an interesting science fiction story about zombies who were created with the help of modern science. They differ from traditional zombies in many aspects. They are controlled by their mysterious master Zeeka through sophisticated technology. Many of them do not even eat human flesh, but that trait alone does not make them harmless.
The core of this book in the series focuses on a relatively fresh couple, Jane,t and Raynor. Janet finds out she is pregnant with the man she had been engaged to before Raynor. He is not just an ordinary ex, but someone whom they both see as a mad scientist. Yet the child in her womb is not the only reminder of her past. There is also a necklace her former lover gave to Janet, which contains more secrets than it seems at first glance. It’s a fascinating tale of kidnap, arson and a lot of other action. There are many shocking twists, but the main one revolves around the question who Zeeka’s child is.
The second book answers many questions the first book left us with, but it also poses many new questions. That’s why i am already looking forward to reading the third book.
I read this book in one sitting since it’s difficult to put down once one starts to read it. The story itself is quite complex for such a short book. There are not many authors who can say so much without wasting a single word. Brenda Mohammed excels in this respect.
Zeeka Returns (Revenge of Zeeka Book 3)
If I am not mistaken, this third book was originally meant to be the last one in the series but the good news is that there is already Revenge of Zeeka Book 4 out. The author seems to be a genius in writing short pieces that seem to be complete and finished stories in themselves, yet they all leave some space for a next book. This third book could easily be read and enjoyed without knowledge of the previous books in the series. The author reminds us of all the important information without boring the readers who are already familiar with it. This requires some special talent few writers have. It also enables readers to read these books in any order. I read this book long after the first book and shortly after the second book and I was never lost. I will still want to read the fourth book pretty soon for the simple reason that I can’t wait to read it.
My favorite character was Miranda, the perfect woman. She is a result of very advanced technology, just as all the zombies in these books are. Her appearance in the third book makes me more hopeful about human progress. While the story of zombies points out the potential misuse of science, Miranda shows its positive side, which is only good for the overall balance in my opinion.
I thank this reader for understanding the concept of the book and for her great review.
The book is available at:
Amazon Universal Link
Barnes and Nobles
Create Space
Monday, 21 November 2016
For those diagnosed with cancer and those who love them.
Marie Author of the YouTube Channel BIBLE STORIES FOR ADULTS reviewed I AM CANCER FREE - A MEMOIR.
This is the transcript of the Video:
Review by Marie Author – I am Cancer Free
Published on Nov 21, 2016(Today)
Guess what i just got in the mail - Brenda Mohammed's book I am Cancer Free
Let me tell you about this book. The book was short and is a great read.
If you are battling cancer or know someone who is, this is a fantastic book to read.
Brenda tells her journey of going through cancer and surviving, and not only surviving but also coming out cancer free.
One of the things that stood out for me in this book is that I am NOT going through cancer, nor do I have anyone in my family who
have, so there are certain preconceived notions I have about what cancer treatment is like, and how it should be addressed by the people around them. So this book really takes you step-by-step.
You understand what the treatments are like. You understand how the body reacts and gives you great ideas on how you can go ahead and help somebody who's in that situation. There were things that I learned from this book - like to call the person, ask if they want to go shopping,
take them a meal, or take them out to eat things that I would be thinking they're too tired or too sick to do. By reading this book I realize those are great things to do.
This was really a fantastic read.
You're going to enjoy it.
Like I said it's short so it's not something that someone who is going through the cancer treatment wouldn't have the ability to read.
It is very short and simple to the point of encouraging.
It's got all the glory.
I think you're going to love it so check out I am Cancer Free by Brenda Mohammed.
Go check it on Amazon today or you can check out her website at the link below.
To get any of Brenda's books go to AMAZON UNIVERSAL LINK
I AM CANCER FREE was the Winner of Mc Grath House Indie Book Awards 2016.
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