Showing posts with label Free Gifts for readers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Gifts for readers. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Book Giveaway 17th September to 23rd September 2017

The problem with travel books and memoirs is that the author has to travel and live life BEFORE they can write the book. Consequently, my favourite authors can’t pump out travel books and memoirs as quickly as I can read them.
That’s a real downer when I fancy escaping to an exotic part of the world or experiencing the tears and laughter of exceptional moments in another’s life.

But there is a solution: find more favourite authors!

That’s why I want to share the amazing stories in this Travel and Memoir group giveaway with you.
The books, short stories, and previews are all free.
I could list them here but the covers and descriptions say it much better than I ever could.
This offer lasts for one week only 17th September to 23rd September 2017
Just click on this BUTTON and it will take you to the giveaway page, where you can choose from the gorgeous covers and blurbs.
Simply click any you fancy for more info and then download as many as you like! There’s such a variety of stories on offer that I am certain you’ll treat yourself to at least one.
You can download as many as you want or just cherry pick the few that you know you will like but remember the giveaway closes on September 23rd so please don’t rely on your memory (which is always a mistake in my case!) and click this link now to have a look, because tomorrow will become the day after, which will become never, and then you might miss out on discovering a new author and reading your favourite book of 2017.

Happy downloading and reading.

Click the BUTTON, and get the free books.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Free Books on InstaFreebie

You can get these books FREE at InstaFreebie - My gift to you my Readers:

Squeaky Doo in Trinidad

Take a trip to Trinidad with Squeaky Doo. You will have lots of fun.
Squeaky Doo in Trinidad is one of the stories in Adventures of Squeaky Doo : A Teddy Bear's Adventures.
Squeaky Doo travels to Trinidad with his owner Marge and her family.
He hopes to see The Ghost of Lopinot.

Dead Business expires 5th November 2016
Surprising twists and turns.
A new bride observes suspicious activity by her husband. He never discussed with her the business he is involved in. She is determined to discover the truth. What is his business? A good Free read for Halloween.

Revenge of Zeeka:Zeeka and the Zombies
Revenge of Zeeka : Zeeka and The Zombies, is the first in a science fiction thriller series about futuristic zombies and their Master Zeeka, set in the year 2036.
It is the first story in Revenge of Zeeka :Horror Trilogy, which obtained a five-star review and five-star seal from Readers Favorite International in September 2016.
If you love zombie thrillers, futuristic zombies at that, with a subtle mix of love and romance, do not miss this action-packed novella.

The Accident expires 5th November 2016

Be Careful of Accidents this Halloween.
The author and her family were involved in a terrible car accident while vacationing n Miami. She relates all the sordid details in this memoir.

Please accept my FREE GIFTS and Happy Halloween. Sign up at the side of this blog for more FREE OFFERS.