Showing posts with label revenge of zeeka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revenge of zeeka. Show all posts

Monday, 7 October 2024



I submitted my written pitch for a screenplay for Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka, a five-series sci-fi thriller to an agent.
I was amazed at the nice things he said about it, but he passed on it as he was unclear how two characters related to the rest of the story. 
I did say that Janet married Dr. Raynor Sharpe who was the protagonist's brother, Dr. Steven Sharpe. 
I also said that Mandy was the wife of Steven Sharpe, the protagonist.

Here is what he wrote:

Pitch Feedback:

"This was definitely one of the most unique pitches I've ever read! I love that the inspiration came from a real-life crisis and that Brenda has taken it in such an imaginative direction. I have to admit I found the episode summary a little difficult to follow. There were a few characters who appeared in the episodes who hadn't been described before (Janet, Mandy) and I was unclear how they were related to the rest of the story or what their motivations were. Like I said, this was one of the most imaginative pitches I've ever seen, but I think it's a little too ambitious for me! I wish Brenda good luck with it though because I think it would make an incredibly entertaining series!"

A pitch must not exceed two pages, and to expand on the pitch will take more than two pages.


CREATED    BY:     Brenda Mohammed

FORMAT: One Hour          [serialized]    TV      Sci-Fi Thriller,          Dark          Fantasy

LOGLINE:    When 51 programmable zombies unleash chaos and death on spectators at a Carnival event on the tourist haven of Gosh Island, local police, detectives, and a doctor kidnapped by Zeeka as a child, must hunt down Master Zeeka before he kills again.                

COMPARISON:      Twilight Zone, Frankenstein, Shakespeare’s Plays.

WHY  THIS  STORY: The fictional futuristic sci-fi thriller is set in 2036 on an imaginary island, off the coast of South America, well-known for fabulous beaches, resorts, and annual Carnival celebrations. The story is purely the author’s imagination, inspired by the zika virus in 2016. Zombies and robots take centre stage and good triumphs over evil. 


Chief of Police Bill Grady [Master Zeeka]– Antagonist

Bill Grady is the Chief of Police on the island of Gosh.  Grady kidnapped Dr. Steven Sharpe when he was seven, changed his name, threatened to kill his family if he tried to escape, sent him to medical school, and used him to create a vaccine for pregnant women infected with the zika virus. Grady used the vaccine to create zombies in a revenge plot against the hospital because his wife was infected with the virus, died in childbirth, and his son was born with a brain deformity.

Dr. Jason Stephens a.k.a Dr. Steven Sharpe – Protagonist 

Dr. Jason Stephens is Dr. Steven Sharpe and the brother of Dr. Raynor Sharpe. He is a scientist who created a vaccine to prevent microcephaly from affecting the unborn babies in pregnant women infected with the zika virus, but was used for evil purposes by Grady who kidnapped him when he was seven years old, changed his name, and put him through medical school.  Police suspect Jason of being Master Zeeka, and he seeks to prove his innocence and true identity.

Dr. Raynor Sharpe – Lead Character

Raynor Sharpe is a gynaecologist at Gosh Hospital. He saw an army of zombies marching outside his beach-front home but no one took him seriously until the massacre at the carnival event. Raynor is the brother of Dr. Steven Sharpe but neither one knows it yet.


Zeeka and the Zombies is series one in the five-series sci-fi thriller.  Dr. Raynor Sharpe sees zombies marching outside his beachfront home and they suddenly disappear. A zombie named Number Nine goes to Gosh Hospital to warn Dr. Brown about an impending massacre by his Master Zeeka. In February 2036, 51 programmable killer zombies disguised as a sailor band, unleash weapons at a Carnival event. One hundred and twenty-five people die, seventy-five are maimed for life, and all zombies disintegrate into ash. Police are not clear if Number Nine died in the shoot-out. A manhunt begins for Master Zeeka. Intertwined in this episode is a love story between Dr. Raynor Sharpe and Dr. Janet Jones who marry.

 Zeeka's Child is the second series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. While police are searching for Dr. Jason Stephens, Detective Jack Wildy discovers a flash drive revealing the face of the real perpetrator, Chief of Police Bill Grady. Dr. Jason Stephens gives another flash drive to Janet to deliver to Dr, Raynor Sharpe, confirming Wildy’s discovery, and about the child Master Zeeka [ Grady] kidnapped forty years ago. Raynor and Steven reunite as brothers. Police find evidence of nine flesh-eating zombies in Grady’s basement and start a manhunt for him and the nine zombies.

Zeeka Returns is the third series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. Zeeka [ Grady] abandons his zombies in the forest and goes to the home of Dr. Raynor Sharpe to look for Steven Sharpe. Janet’s helper, Miranda, a beautiful robot, uses her taekwondo skills to capture Zeeka when she sees him holding a gun. The police shrink zombies and demolish them with high-tech weapons found in Grady’s bag. They slap Grady with more than 200 charges to which he confesses. He asks to see Steven and tells him why he committed the crimes. He begs Steven for forgiveness for kidnapping him as a child, and Steven refuses. When Steven leaves, Grady commits suicide.

Zeeka's Ghost is the fourth series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. A strong wind throws down Zeeka’s urn. it falls and breaks into pieces, his ashes scatter in Steven’s study, and Zeeka’s ghost appears to Steven. The ghost begs Steven for forgiveness and he again refuses. However, the ghost saves Mandy, Steven’s wife, from dangerous kidnappers and Steven forgives him. Zeeka leaves the world in peace.

Resurrection is the fifth series in the five-series sci-fi thriller.  Number Nine, the zombie, who police thought was dead in the massacre at the Carnival event in February 2036 is alive. Mandy's robot helper, Eve, encounters him in the backyard, records the conversation on her security device, and plays it for Steven. Number Nine collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, and Eve alerts the Gosh hospital. Tests and records confirm he is Number Nine, he is not a zombie and is the biological son of Bill Grady – Master Zeeka, who made him grow up with zombies because he was misdiagnosed with microcephaly- a disease associated with the zika virus that infected his mother who died in childbirth 22 years ago.  Raynor helps Number Nine choose Nieman Grady as his legal name, and Steven cures him of his brain ailment, Craniosynostosis, with his new invention CrainX.  Steven is the new hero in Gosh because his miracle cures and inventions replace Carnival Tourism with Medical Tourism.      

I am at a loss as to what I should do to get an agent to ask for my script to read it.
Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka is a futuristic sci-fi thriller set in the year 2036, and time is running out before it is no longer futuristic.
Dear readers, please comment.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023




In the third episode of the futuristic thriller Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka, set in the year 2036, Bill Grady confessed to Steven Sharpe why he kidnapped him forty years before, and why he sought revenge on the hospital.

Grady told Steven that he thought he was his son.

Steven laughed sarcastically. “Ha! What on earth made you think that?” asked Steven.

 “Your mother and I were engaged to be married,” Grady said.

Steven got up to leave and said, “I do not believe that. You are trying to manipulate me once again.”

 Grady pleaded with Steven. “Steven, please sit down. I am speaking the truth. Your mother and I were in love.

We got engaged without her father’s permission, and he did everything in his power to prevent our marriage.”

Steven sat down, and Grady continued. “The good doctor did not want his daughter to marry a police officer.

He wanted her to marry your father, who was also a physician. She listened to her father, and she jilted me. I could not get over her. I thought that you were my son. I asked her, and she denied it, and I did not believe her.”

Steven got up again to leave. “You are a sick man, Grady. You thought I was your son, so you kidnapped me?”

Grady tried his best to convince Steven to stay and listen to him. “I have loved you as if you were my own. I sent you to medical school so you would become famous just as your biological father. Everything I have belongs to you. I made a will. My attorney will contact you after I am gone,” said Grady.

“I do not want anything that belongs to you. After you are gone, you say. You are not going anywhere except behind bars for the rest of your life. You robbed me of my life with my parents and only brother.  You forced me to make a vaccine so you could create those zombies. You told me you wanted to introduce them into the police force as robots instead of tracker dogs. But what did you do? You used them to kill and maim people for your personal vendetta. I cannot listen to any more of this.” Steven was ready to leave once more.

 Grady held on to him pleading, “I beg of you. Before you leave, please forgive me. I need your forgiveness.  Steven, I’m sorry.”  Steven pulled his hand away and signalled to the officers to open for him and without replying to Grady, he walked out. The two officers returned Grady to his cell.

Read the full series available on Amazon. Click Below.




Monday, 19 June 2023




A few weeks ago, Dr. James Bale saw a series of MRI images in a medical journal of MRI scans of babies infected with Zika in the womb.


The scans showed something Bale had seen only a few times in his 30-year career: a phenomenon called fetal brain disruption sequence.

 As the fetus's brain starts to grow, it creates pressure, which pushes on the skull and causes it to grow. But if something stops brain growth — such as a virus — pressure on the skull drops, and the skull can collapse down onto the brain.

 The skin around the head continues to grow, Bale says. So the baby is born with wrinkles of skin at the back of the neck and a tiny skull. In some cases, the baby's head is as small as an orange, or about half the size of a healthy baby's head.

 "It's quite remarkable what the Zika virus is doing to the brain of young infants," Bale says. "Many of them will die often in infancy, and the majority, if not all, will then have a long-term, severe developmental problems."

 Zika Is Linked To Microcephaly, Health Agencies Confirm

Now scientists think they have an understanding about how Zika causes these severe brain malformations. The findings come from a series of mouse experiments, published Wednesday in three leading journals.

 In one study, published in Nature, Alysson Muotri and his team at the University of California, San Diego, infected pregnant mice with Zika and looked to see how the virus harmed the baby mice.

 "We detected the virus all over the mice and in different regions of the body," Muotri says.

 But for some reason — and scientists don't know why yet — Zika is particularly attracted to brain cells. And once inside the cells, Muotri says, Zika turns them into viral factories that start producing huge amounts of virus. Until they burst.

 "They explode, and more viral particles are released that can infect other cells. And they can just amplify themselves," Muotri says.

 More and more brain cells get infected. More die. This cell death is already a problem for the fetus. It scars the brain and creates inflammation.

 But the situation gets worse because the brain cells infected by Zika are extremely special. They're called neural progenitor cells. And they're responsible for building a large portion of the brain.

 "These are fast-replicating cells that will give rise to billions of cells in our brains," Muotri says.

 So if a fetus loses even just a small percentage of these cells, a portion of its brain will never develop. "And the impact later in life would be dramatic," he says.

 In 2017, I wrote a Futiristic Thriller Series inspired by the Zika Virus.

A script for a Movie is being written.

Revenge of Zeeka: Five book Series

Read the Series on AMAZON.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021



A Police officer met and fell in love with the daughter of a renowned doctor at a Carnival event. She was a registered nurse at the same hospital in which her father worked. Her name was Margaret.
They dated a while and when he proposed marriage to her, she agreed to marry him. He bought her an engagement ring, but her father disapproved of their relationship. He wanted her to marry a doctor. Not wishing to displease her father, she broke off the relationship with the police officer.
The officer was extremely hurt, even to the point of great bitterness. He tried to win back her love but without his knowledge, she married another – a doctor who worked in the hospital with her, Dr. Carl Sharpe.
When he found out, she had jilted him, something inside of him tripped off. He was never again the same person that he was. He vowed to take revenge one day.
Seven years passed and Margaret bore two sons for her husband – Steven and Raynor. The officer always felt that her first son Steven was his child. He planned to kidnap him.
One fateful day Steven, who was just seven years old, was riding his bike home after visiting a friend who lived in a secluded part of the city. His bike broke down, and he was trying to fix it. A police jeep stopped, and the police officer asked if he could help. There was no one else in the vehicle.
Steven saw no harm in allowing a police officer to help since they are there to protect and serve. Or, so he thought. The police officer came out of the vehicle, looked at his bike, turned it over, and tried to repair it. He then said that he needed to go to a bicycle shop. He offered to drive Steven home. Steven accepted the lift and never saw his home again.
The man threatened the boy to kill his parents and brother if he ever tried to escape from him. He boasted about his police connections and Steven was fearful of him and did whatever he asked. The man could not legally adopt him and changed the boy’s name to Jason Stephens.
If you have not yet read the award-winning and best-selling novel ZEEKA CHRONICLES, a futuristic thriller and award-winning novel inspired by the scare of the zika virus, you will be unaware of what can take place in the minds of mad scientists who try to use a virus to control lives.
Brenda Mohammed

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Zeeka and the Zombies has a new book cover

Zeeka and the Zombies: Revenge of Zeeka (Revenge of Zeeka Science Fiction Series Book 1) Kindle Edition has a new Book cover.
The paperback will also be changed soon.

All five books in the series are available for $4.95 at this link. CLICK HERE.


Buy Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka which contains all five stories for $3.99 CLICK HERE

All books are also available in paperback. CLICK HERE.
Do you know you can Save $4 with Amazon Assistant on a paperback costing $10.00 or more?
For a limited time, save $4 off your $10 Books order when you purchase through the Amazon Assistant web extension ( Click on the Amazon Assistant icon in your desktop browser to view the offer.

Here is the latest review:

“Zeeka Chronicles” is a futuristic story, taking place twenty years from now. After an outbreak of Zika virus on a small island in the US, strange events start taking place, and doctor Raynor and his colleagues, who still remembered the events of twenty years ago, have to deal with the consequences. A strange creature appears in the hospital, claiming to be one of the dead babies, buried by the state many years ago, dug out by the mad scientist and turned into zombies with a sinister goal…
The book consists of two parts, and the second book unveils dark secrets, which concern Raynor’s family and his brother’s disappearance. “Zeeka Chronicles” is a highly compelling mixture of sci-fi, supernatural, and dystopian genres, which make it an even more interesting read. And the story of the zombie number nine in the end made just a perfect finale that put a big smile on my face."

Monday, 14 May 2018

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Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies has passed the moderation phase and needs 1000 votes to be published as a Cinebook.
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Please support this book & give it a chance to get the cinematic look by voting for it HERE.

Crowdfund and Pre-order the unique cinematic edition of Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies by Brenda Mohammed that can be Read, Listened and even Watched.

Friday, 13 April 2018


#ScienceFictionLovers #priceslash
Prices have been slashed.
First book FREE.
Four other books in the series for .99 cents each.
Get the Five book series for only $3.96 on Amazon CLICK HERE
Books available at Amazon Universal Link CLICK HERE and Draft2Digital CLICK HERE.

The Master Book, ZEEKA CHRONICLES has been reduced from $4.99 to $3.99


Sunday, 31 December 2017

Who is controlling the zombies? in Revenge of Zeeka: Horror Trilogy by Brenda Mohammed

The trilogy is available as three separate books and each can stand on its own.
Zeeka and the Zombies: Revenge of Zeeka Book 1
Zeeka's Child: Revenge of Zeeka Book 2
Zeeka Returns: Revenge of Zeeka Book 3
They are available at Amazon Universal Link and Draft2Digital.
n an era of advanced technology and medical advancement, why does Zeeka want revenge?
Who is this vengeful man called Zeeka?
Why does he want to unleash terror on the Islanders?
Can the authorities stop him and his zombies, or is he unstoppable?
One man knows his secrets, will he expose him, or is he too scared to do so because of Zeeka's threats to his life and family?
The plot thickens.
This man has a son, but who is he?
Who is the mysterious Number Nine?
Many questions baffle your mind when reading this book.
Are there answers?
Secrets, betrayal, lies, skeletons in closets, kidnapping, murder, arson, corruption in the police force, and suicide all form part of the plot.
Who will save the islanders from the villain Zeeka and his horrific Zombies?
Will good triumph evil?

The first book in the series, Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies is FREE on Amazon Universal Link.
Read a review from an Amazon Reviewer:
"An intriguing start of a promising series.
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This is a story about a mad scientist who got really mad.
We do not learn about him and his motives much in this book since it's just the first part of the series.
Yet Brenda Mohammed shows us the first consequences of his madness in this clever story about a virus outbreak leading to an emergence of strange zombie-like people.
The fast pace and amount of action keep this story thrilling.
At the same time, the author manages to give us a glimpse of the main characters' feelings that do not concern the zombies directly.
We can observe a young doctor planning her marriage and her admirer's disappointment.
This seems to be a plot within the main plot, and it makes this story more complex, the characters easier to relate to, which is not easy to achieve in such a short story that is packed with action.
Yet there is a final twist that reveals to us that personal lives of the main protagonists may be infected by Zeeka's influence more than it seems at first glance.
This book leaves many questions unanswered and makes me look forward to reading the sequels.
I can even imagine this book as a good movie."

This is what the print book looks like.

Read a five-star review from Readers Favorite.
Reviewed by Faridah Nassozi for Readers' Favorite
Five Stars

In Revenge of Zeeka by Brenda Mohammed, the island of Gosh is under attack by an army of zombies under the command of a vengeful science genius. In the year 2016, the Zika virus broke out in Central and South America with life-threatening effects for pregnant women.
Given a choice to save the mothers or the unborn babies, a decision was made to save the mothers.
The tiny stillborns were securely and secretly buried.
Only a few people knew of this.
Unknown to everyone, however, a certain scientist managed to get hold of all 51 bodies, bring them back to life, and condition them to follow his command, creating himself a perfect army of zombies.
Now, twenty years later, the evil scientist seeks revenge on those he holds responsible for the stillbirths.
Only three of the current doctors at Central Hospital - Raynor, Mark, and George - witnessed the unfortunate events of 2016.
The three have strong suspicions about who might be controlling the zombies. Meanwhile, Zeeka is lying in wait for the perfect time to unleash his army onto the island. Zeeka has big, evil plans and this is just the beginning. In a desperate search for answers, and with very little to go on, the doctors search for the elusive Master Zeeka.
Will they save the islanders from Zeeka and his zombies, or will it be too late?
Revenge of Zeeka, by Brenda Mohammed, is a one of a kind novella trilogy that delivers an incredible story guaranteed to give readers an absolute sci-fi treat.
I especially liked how Brenda used current events as the pivotal point from which to build this amazing sci-fi horror.
This made the story even more relatable.
More importantly, however, I admired how she owned her story and created this captivating version of events.
She captured with an amazing depth the setting, characters, plot, and emotions in such few words.
If you are looking for a thrilling short read, this fast-paced, sci-fi action novella will give you the time of your life.

Click on this Link to read an excerpt from the book.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Press Release by Readers Favorite for Revenge of Zeeka: Horror Trilogy by Brenda Mohammed

For immediate release:

Author's new book receives a warm literary welcome.

Readers' Favorite announces the review of the Young Adult - Sci-Fi book "Revenge of Zeeka" by Brenda Mohammed, currently available at Amazon.
Readers' Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet.
They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the "Best Websites for Authors" and "Honoring Excellence" awards from the Association of Independent Authors.
They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.

"Reviewed By Faridah Nassozi for Readers' Favorite"

In Revenge of Zeeka by Brenda Mohammed, the island of Gosh is under attack by an army of zombies under the command of a vengeful science genius.
In the year 2016, the Zika virus broke out in Central and South America with life threatening effects for pregnant women.
Given a choice to save the mothers or the unborn babies, a decision was made to save the mothers.
The tiny stillborns were securely and secretly buried.
Only a few people knew of this.
Unknown to everyone, however, a certain scientist managed to get hold of all 51 bodies, bring them back to life, and condition them to follow his command, creating himself a perfect army of zombies.
Now, twenty years later, the evil scientist seeks revenge on those he holds responsible for the stillbirths.
Only three of the current doctors at Central Hospital - Raynor, Mark, and George - witnessed the unfortunate events of 2016.
The three have strong suspicions about who might be controlling the zombies.
Meanwhile, Zeeka is lying in wait for the perfect time to unleash his army onto the island.
Zeeka has big, evil plans and this is just the beginning.
In a desperate search for answers, and with very little to go on, the doctors search for the elusive Master Zeeka.
Will they save the islanders from Zeeka and his zombies, or will it be too late?
Revenge of Zeeka by Brenda Mohammed is a one of a kind novella trilogy that delivers an incredible story guaranteed to give readers an absolute sci-fi treat.
I especially liked how Brenda used current events as the pivotal point from which to build this amazing sci-fi horror.
This made the story even more relatable.
More importantly, however, I admired how she owned her story and created this captivating version of events.
She captured with an amazing depth the setting, characters, plot, and emotions in such few words.
If you are looking for a thrilling short read, this fast-paced, sci-fi action novella will give you the time of your life."
You can learn more about Brenda Mohammed and "Revenge of Zeeka" at READER'S FAVORITE where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages.
Readers' Favorite LLC
Media Relations
Louisville, KY 40202

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The Series – Zeeka Chronicles [ Revenge of Zeeka] - Science Fiction/Horror

A Police officer named Bill Grady met and fell in love with the daughter of a renowned doctor at a Carnival event. She was a registered nurse at the same hospital in which her father worked. Her name was Margaret.
They dated a while and when he proposed marriage to her, she agreed to marry him. He bought her an engagement ring, but her father disapproved of their relationship. He wanted her to marry a doctor. Not wishing to displease her father, she broke off the relationship with the police officer.
Bill was extremely hurt, even to the point of great bitterness. He tried to win back her love but without his knowledge, she married another – a doctor who worked in the hospital with her, Dr. Carl Sharpe.
When he found out she had jilted him, something inside of him tripped off. He was never again the same person that he was. He vowed to take revenge one day.
Seven years passed and Margaret bore two sons for her husband – Steven and Raynor. Bill always felt that her first son Steven was his child. He planned to kidnap him.
One fateful day Steven, who was just seven years old, was riding his bike home after visiting a friend who lived in a secluded part of the city. His bike broke down, and he was trying to fix it. A police jeep stopped, and the police officer asked if he could help.
There was no one else in the vehicle.
Steven saw no harm in allowing a police officer to help since they are there to protect and serve. Or, so he thought. The police officer came out of the vehicle, looked at his bike, turned it over and tried to repair it. He then said that it needed to go to a bicycle shop. He offered to drive Steven home. Steven accepted the lift and never saw his home again.
Bill Grady threatened the boy to kill his parents and brother if he ever tried to escape from him. He boasted about his police connections and Steven was fearful of him and did whatever he asked. Bill could not legally adopt him and changed the boy’s name to Jason Stephens.
It was Bill Grady;s intention to use the boy to exact the revenge he planned
The story begins twenty years later in the year 2036.

Read all five books in the Series.

The first book in the Zeeka Series begins with Zeeka and the Zombies. FREE FOR DOWNLOAD.
Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies, Book 1, is an engaging introduction to the story of a mysterious vengeful man and futuristic zombies that were created with the misuse of modern science.
The zombies wreak havoc on a small exotic island named Gosh in the year 2036.
Why does this man want revenge?
Who will save the islanders from him?
One man knows his secrets, but can he intervene to stop the carnage?
Who is this man?

Zeeka's Child: Revenge of Zeeka Book 2 is the second book in the Medical Fiction series, Zeeka Chronicles.
The story continues and evolves into a more complicated plot.
Can Detectives Jack Wildy and Jerry Cole deal with kidnapping, threatened suicide, killer zombies, and arson?
Will they uncover major corruption in the Police Force?"
How will Zeeka be revealed?
Who is the mystery Master Zeeka, and who is Zeeka's child?

Killer zombies, a robot, and High-tech weapons are part of the scenario in Zeeka Returns: Revenge of Zeeka Book 3.
Did Zeeka abandon his zombies?
Did he escape from the police in the forest?
Who is the heroic woman who trapped Zeeka?
What is Zeeka's fate?
Read this exciting episode in this third book of the medical fiction series, Zeeka Chronicles, for all the gory details.

The drama of the Zeeka Series continues in Zeeka's Ghost: Revenge of Zeeka Book 4.
This book is the fourth installment in the Medical fiction series, Zeeka Chronicles.
Swift. Silent. Ghostly, Zeeka's Ghost appears to Steven.
Does the ghost have evil intentions?
Are Steven and Mandy targets of unknown enemies?
Are their lives at stake?
Steven must find a way to hunt down and apprehend these ruthless maniacs and save his beloved wife.
Will he succeed?
Is Zeeka's Ghost here to harm or help?

Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5 is the grand finale to the Medical fiction series Zeeka Chronicles.
Mandy's robot helper Eve encounters a stranger in the backyard.
He claims to have connections with Zeeka.
Who is this stranger?
When he learns that Eve is a robot, he discloses his story to her.
Eve promises him to keep their conversation secret but can she?
‪She records it on her security device and plays it for Steven and Mandy. ‬‬‬‬
When he collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, Eve alerts the Gosh hospital
Tests and records reveal the stranger's identity.
Police records show that he died in the Carnival massacre in 2036, but did he?
Steven faces opposition to launch his greatest invention of the century.
Who will be the first volunteer to test it?
Read this thrilling conclusion to the Zeeka series.

If you prefer to read all five stories in one go, choose Zeeka Chronicles [ Revenge of Zeeka] available at Amazon Universal Link or Books2Read Universal Link.


Brenda Mohammed is an award –winning multi -genre writer and former Bank Manager who has written seventeen books to date.
Brenda lives in the beautiful Caribbean island of Trinidad and is a fan of photography and art.

She willingly donates books to children's hospitals, national libraries, and school libraries.
She is an accomplished traveller.

Her travel experiences have translated into a captivating array of travel-inspired non-fiction books.
Brenda is also a writer of fiction.

This excerpt from a review of one of her books from Readers Favorite confirms that she is very good at writing fiction.

"Revenge of Zeeka, by Brenda Mohammed, is a one of a kind novella trilogy that delivers an incredible story guaranteed to give readers an absolute sci-fi treat. I especially liked how Brenda used current events as the pivotal point from which to build this amazing sci-fi horror. This made the story even more relatable. More importantly, however, I admired how she owned her story and created this captivating version of events. She captured with an amazing depth the setting, characters, plot, and emotions in such few words."

Brenda won awards for two of her non-fiction books from Metamorph's Publishing and Mc Grath House in 2016.

One of her fiction books, Zeeka Chronicles, is a nominee in SIBA Awards 2017.
Brenda’s dream is for Zeeka Chronicles to be made into a movie.

She loves to interact with her readers and other authors.

Feel free to connect with Brenda through Facebook. Twitter, and Instagram.