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Revenge of Zeeka: Horror Trilogy is a collection of three spine-chilling tales of Blood, Mayhem, and Horror in the Revenge of Zeeka Series.
It is available on Amazon Universal Link and Books 2 Read Universal Link.
In an era of advanced technology and medical advancement, why does Zeeka want revenge?
Who is this vengeful man called Zeeka?
Why does he want to unleash terror on the Islanders?
Can the authorities stop him and his zombies, or is Zeeka unstoppable?
The plot thickens.
This man has a son, but who is he?
One man knows his secrets, but will he expose him, or is he too scared to do so because of Zeeka's threats to his life and family?
Who is the mysterious Number Nine?
Many questions baffle your mind when reading this book.
Are there answers?
Secrets, betrayal, lies, skeletons in closets, kidnapping, murder, arson, corruption in the police force, and suicide all form part of the plot.
Will good triumph over evil?
1- Describe your main character in one or two sentences.
Zeeka is the villain you would love to hate.
2- Which one word would you use to describe your antagonist?
Now, which word would your antagonist use to describe themselves?
I would describe the antagonist as Vengeful.
The antagonist would describe himself as a Genius.
3- What’s the worst thing your main character has done?
Zeeka kidnapped a seven-year-old boy whom he believed was his son with his former lover who jilted him.
He told him if he tried to leave he would kill him and his family.
He educated him and the boy grew up to be a science genius and the best in the medical field in the small island of Gosh.
Using threats of violence he manipulated the doctor to create a serum to bring back dead babies to life for evil purposes.
He raised the babies in a lab and brought them up to be Zombies.
His plan was to use the zombies for vengeance for something that was long forgotten, and he did so.
4- What is the most prized possession of your antagonist? And why?
Zeeka's most prized possessions are his fifty-one mechanical zombies and nine flesh-eating zombies.
He uses the zombies to unleash terror on the citizens in the island of Gosh.
5- What is the one part of your book that you, as the author, like best?
I like Part 3 - Zeeka Returns where Zeeka meets Miranda, the robot, who overpowers him and apprehends him.
Here is what a reviewer said:"My favorite character was Miranda, the perfect woman.
She is a result of very advanced technology, just as all the zombies in these books are.
Her appearance in the third book makes me more hopeful about human progress.
While the story of zombies points out the potential misuse of science, Miranda shows its positive side, which is only good for the overall balance in my opinion." [Amazon Reviewer]
The trilogy is available as three separate books and each can stand on its own.
Zeeka and the Zombies: Revenge of Zeeka Book 1
Zeeka's Child: Revenge of Zeeka Book 2
Zeeka Returns: Revenge of Zeeka Book 3
They are available at Amazon Universal Link and Draft2Digital.
The first book in the series, Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies is FREE on Amazon Universal Link.
Read a review from an Amazon Reviewer:
"An intriguing start of a promising series.
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This is a story about a mad scientist who got really mad.
We do not learn about him and his motives much in this book since it's just the first part of the series.
Yet Brenda Mohammed shows us the first consequences of his madness in this clever story about a virus outbreak leading to an emergence of strange zombie-like people.
The fast pace and amount of action keep this story thrilling.
At the same time, the author manages to give us a glimpse of the main characters' feelings that do not concern the zombies directly.
We can observe a young doctor planning her marriage and her admirer's disappointment.
This seems to be a plot within the main plot, and it makes this story more complex, the characters easier to relate to, which is not easy to achieve in such a short story that is packed with action.
Yet there is a final twist that reveals to us that personal lives of the main protagonists may be infected by Zeeka's influence more than it seems at first glance.
This book leaves many questions unanswered and makes me look forward to reading the sequels.
I can even imagine this book as a good movie."
Read a five-star review from Readers Favorite.
Reviewed by Faridah Nassozi for Readers' Favorite
Five Stars
In Revenge of Zeeka by Brenda Mohammed, the island of Gosh is under attack by an army of zombies under the command of a vengeful science genius. In the year 2016, the Zika virus broke out in Central and South America with life-threatening effects for pregnant women.
Given a choice to save the mothers or the unborn babies, a decision was made to save the mothers.
The tiny stillborns were securely and secretly buried.
Only a few people knew of this.
Unknown to everyone, however, a certain scientist managed to get hold of all 51 bodies, bring them back to life, and condition them to follow his command, creating himself a perfect army of zombies.
Now, twenty years later, the evil scientist seeks revenge on those he holds responsible for the stillbirths.
Only three of the current doctors at Central Hospital - Raynor, Mark, and George - witnessed the unfortunate events of 2016.
The three have strong suspicions about who might be controlling the zombies. Meanwhile, Zeeka is lying in wait for the perfect time to unleash his army onto the island. Zeeka has big, evil plans and this is just the beginning. In a desperate search for answers, and with very little to go on, the doctors search for the elusive Master Zeeka.
Will they save the islanders from Zeeka and his zombies, or will it be too late?
Revenge of Zeeka, by Brenda Mohammed, is a one of a kind novella trilogy that delivers an incredible story guaranteed to give readers an absolute sci-fi treat.
I especially liked how Brenda used current events as the pivotal point from which to build this amazing sci-fi horror.
This made the story even more relatable.
More importantly, however, I admired how she owned her story and created this captivating version of events.
She captured with an amazing depth the setting, characters, plot, and emotions in such few words.
If you are looking for a thrilling short read, this fast-paced, sci-fi action novella will give you the time of your life.
Click on this Link to read an excerpt from the book.
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Enjoy the Convention from the comfort of your home.
Showing posts with label goodreads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goodreads. Show all posts
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Author Spotlight with Brenda Mohammed
Short Bio
Brenda, a multi-genre author, lives on the beautiful tropical island of Trinidad in the Caribbean.
A former Bank Manager and Insurance Professional, she turned to writing after she retired from the corporate world.
Brenda loves to travel. She has written sixteen books to date: six memoirs, one children's book, four short story collections, and a horror
series of five books.
When choosing a name for your characters, what do you consider about them that determines what you finally call them?
I think about the role I have planned for my characters before I name them.
For instance, in one of my books, Revenge of Zeeka – A Trilogy, I introduced a female robot and named her Miranda.
One reviewer could not help but refer to her in his review.“The highlight is Miranda (oh, Miranda!), whose presence gives a lot of weight and realism to the futuristic theme and setting of 2036.”
Did you have a collection in mind when you were writing them?
I wrote four collections of short stories. “Heart- Warming Tales,” “Stories People Love,” “Revenge of Zeeka – A Trilogy,”
and "Zeeka Chronicles."
At first I wrote several stories as kindle short reads, but later on, I put all the stories into the above books.
How did you choose which stories to include and in what order?
The first collection, “Heart-Warming Tales,” are four stories based on real life events.
One reviewer had this to say about the book,“Heart Warming Tales is a short book of stories with intriguing plots and pleasant characters. Although each story is set within the real world, there seems to be a fantastical quality to each. The style of the writing is satisfyingly simple and easy to follow.”
The second collection, “Stories People Love” contains four short stories of crime, adventure, and love.
A reviewer referred to this book as “a collection of stories all connected by the common theme of hope.”
Another said, "This is a neat and extremely readable collection and shows an author who is able to write fiction and non-fiction elements seamlessly. It's not an easy combination and yet the author pulls it off admirably."
The third collection, “Revenge of Zeeka – A Trilogy,” was only released on 4th May 2016.
The story, which is set in the year 2036, was told in three parts, which are also available as Kindle short reads.
The book received a five-star review and five-star seal from Readers favorite in September 2016.
I thought of ending the series at that point, but Zeeka got into my head and I wrote two more books making the number of books in the series five.
That is why, I published Zeeka Chronicles, the fourth collection of short stories.
The series is all about Zeeka, and his intent on revenge for something that occurred twenty years before.
Do you have a “reader” in mind when you write stories?
I write for both young adults and mature audiences.
What do you do to get book reviews? What is the best review you ever got?
I depend on purchasers of my books to do reviews, but that does not always happen.
I had several Free promotions on Amazon Kindle Publishing and had thousands of downloads, but I received no reviews from these promotions.
I received Five Star reviews for most of my books from verified purchasers, and it is hard to say which is the best review I ever got.
However, I do like this review for Zeeka Chronicles as I found it quite perky.
"5.0 out of 5.0 stars
Teens and up will adore this book
By Amazon Reviewer
March 9, 2017
Format: Paperback
I was thrilled to receive my advance copy of this book because it contains all five Zeeka stories, which are among my favorite spooky reads.
This series is about the havoc the sinister Zeeka and his Zombies unleashed on a little island in the Caribbean and the impact on people who live there.
The darker side of humanity is explored with unforeseeable plot twists taking the reader down a sometimes grisly path.
Thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I eventually emerged with feelings of redemption and satisfaction.
Future tech is highlighted throughout the series making me desire one of the book's robot helpers who does dishes and kicks butt too."
What does the word “story” mean to you?
A story is an account of real or fictitious events.
The plot and characters must be appealing to readers.
When I write, I bear this in mind.
Have any of your books won any awards?
"I am Cancer Free: A Memoir' won the McGrath House Publishing Award in the Category Non-Fiction in November 2016.
The book also received a five-star review and five-star seal from Readers Favorite in February 2017.
My Life as a Banker: A Life worth Living was voted second in Bio/Memoirs in the Metamorph Publishing Summer Indie Book Awards in September 2016.
Retirement is Fun: A New Chapter was also a Nominee in the Metamorph Publishing Summer Indie Book Awards in September 2016.
Would you like to share something with your Readers and Fans?
I want to encourage my readers and fans to continue to read my books and do reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.
Your reviews help me to be a better writer.
Please follow me on Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and visit My website atAllAuthor page for continuous updates.
Without readers, there is no point in my writing.
I need every one of you.
I do not only promote my books.
I promote those of other authors as well.
You will read reviews and post of books by other popular authors when you visit my Facebook Author page.
I have started a new Facebook Page for Video Book Trailers. Please visit and like it.
Use the Contact Form at my Website to get in touch with me.
AllAuthor page
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Marketing Links
Over the past couple weeks, I have been reviewing my books, changing my book covers and concentrating on Marketing.
I discovered several new places to showcase my books and I will share the links in this post.
Here is a list of the sites I am using to promote my books:
My Website
Author's Blog
Memoir Blog
Wordpress Blog
Amazon Universal Link
Barnes and Nobles
Create Space
Ask David
Books go Social
Readers Gazette
Book Life
My books are available at other sales outlets as follows:
Page Foundry
My Readers can now find me in more places than one.
If you want a free copy of any of my books please email me at brenchris@wealthservices.us
Friday, 20 May 2016
Celebration Time - Ten years since I am Cancer Free
Come celebrate with me. It is now ten years since I am Cancer Free.
I am offering my story of my battle with Ovarian Cancer FREE with a Kindle Free Book Promotion from Sunday 22nd May to Wednesday 25th May 2016.
Read one of the latest Five-star Reviews below:
John Hennessy - Goodreads
Thoughtful and detailed account of defeating the most terrible of diseases
I am Cancer Free is an extremely positive title for something that is so terrifying to pretty much all of us, were we to be diagnosed with it.
No illness is pleasant, but surely cancer is one of the very worst, and although survival rates are increasing all the time depending on the type of cancer concerned, it is good to know that the author, who thankfully defeated this terrible disease, overcome it in order to pen this extremely good read.
From a carefree life, visiting friends and relatives, through to the initial concerns and then onto the diagnosis, the author takes us on a journey in this book. But potential readers shouldn't be put off by the subject matter. The author has bravely chose to share her experience with the reader. It is never negative, although some of it is very harrowing to read.
The description of the subsequent and very necessary operation which resulted in the author regaining her full health is a case of just enough information. There's no need for gory details and we don't get them. In essence, the author has the balance right between info-dumping and info-giving.
Again, it's a book that educates and informs.
Thank goodness for medical insurance. In the UK, we are fortunate that the NHS provides many life saving treatments. I do hope the government (s) wake up and spend money on research to defeat this terrible disease in all its forms.
Well done to the author on the beating of this disease and in the creation of this book.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Goodreads Group for Young Adult Readers
Young Adult Readers
3 members
This group is for young adult readers, Authors of books for young adults can post about their boo...

This group is for young adult readers, Authors of books for young adults can post about their boo...
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