Showing posts with label paperback books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paperback books. Show all posts
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Author Academy Global Award Finalist - Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka
I was shaken up today by an earthquake which struck Venezuela and violently shook the whole of the Caribbean.
I later received news Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka is in the Top Ten Finalists for Author Academy Global Awards 2018 in categoryScience Fiction.
I am more shocked.
It is not over yet.
Friends, voting continues for Author Academy Awards to pick the category winners.
Click on this link and then click on the arrow at the top. Go to 2 and vote for Zeeka Chronicles by Brenda Mohammed.
You can vote daily at the link below. CLICK HERE
Science Fiction Finalists 2018
For fans of Twilight Zone and Outer Limits TV Series comes a new futuristic science fiction thriller filled with mystery and suspense
Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka was an award winner in the category Best Science Fiction in SIBA Awards [2017], recipient of a Readers Favorite Five-star review and five-star seal [2017], and Gold Award Winner in the category Paranormal/Science Fiction/ Fantasy in EMagazine Readers Choice Awards 2018.
Can one man misuse science for revenge?
In a futuristic world, despite advanced technology and modern scientific methods, human nature never changes.
Greed, the desire to control, and to have power can cause individuals to use science to harm others.
The trend towards vigilante justice can exacerbate as newer generations become bolder, braver, and more educated.
Such was the case on the fictitious island of Gosh in the year 2036.
One man used science coupled with his authoritative position to seek revenge for something he could not forgive and forget.
Zombies, ghosts, and robots all play out their roles creating twists and turns, in every chapter of this futuristic tale of action and mystery.
Set in 2036, the world of Zeeka Chronicles is modern and futuristic.
But something evil is afoot.
The villainous Zeeka is planning revenge and is breeding zombies to wipe out the Islanders on Gosh.
Why does he want revenge?
New technology and scientific breakthroughs in the field of medical science set the stage for the unimaginable in this tale of a hateful man, kidnapping, love, lies, revenge, female robots, a ghost, a deadly virus, sixty programmable zombies, corruption in the police force, and a hero you will love.
Dr. Steven Sharpe knows Zeeka's secrets.
Can he expose Zeeka without risking his life and that of his beloved family?
Will Detectives Jack Wildy and Jerry Cole discover the truth?
Can secrets remain buried?
What part does Janet, Raynor, Mandy, Miranda, and Zombie Number Nine play?
Read an extract of a five-star review from Readers Favorite.
'Brenda Mohammed's writing style is evocative of the future and she handles the science in her fiction brilliantly: reading is believing!
I loved Zeeka Chronicles; it has worldwide appeal for anyone looking for an entertaining story that is different.'
Get the book on AMAZON
Friday, 20 April 2018
Someone is planning revenge and is breeding zombies
Want to read more?
Revenge of Zeeka 5 Book Series
The first book is FREE.
The other four are only 0.99 cents each.
Get them at Amazon Universal Link. CLICK HERE
On the island of Gosh in Jan 2036, Raynor is awakened by the sound of robot-like creatures on the beach overlooking his villa.
Was he dreaming or was it a vision?
Raynor is a hospital doctor.
The woman he secretly loves is engaged to another man and is sleeping in the next room.
Why is she there?Everything seems hazy to Raynor until he receives a phone call from the hospital's Chief of staff to attend an urgent meeting.
But who is Number Nine?
He says he is a zombie but is he?
He seemed harmless until he said that his Master is Zeeka, he has fifty brothers who look like him, and Zeeka wants revenge.
Why does Zeeka want revenge?
One man knows Zeeka's secrets, but can he stop the bloodshed and save the Islanders in time?
For answers to these questions, you must continue reading each of the books in the mind-blowing series.
Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies, Book 1, is the engaging introduction to the science fiction series Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka, which consists of five books.
Zeeka and the Zombies Book I, Zeeka's Child Book 2, Zeeka Returns Book 3, Zeeka's Ghost Book 4, and Resurrection Book 5.
An intriguing start of a promising series.
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This is a story about a mad scientist who got really mad.
Brenda Mohammed shows us the first consequences of his madness in this clever story about a virus outbreak leading to an emergence of strange zombie-like people. T
The fast pace and amount of action keep this story thrilling.
At the same time, the author manages to give us a glimpse of the main characters' feelings that do not concern the zombies directly.
We can observe a young doctor planning her marriage and her admirer's disappointment.
This seems to be a plot within the main plot, and it makes this story more complex, the characters easier to relate to, which is not easy to achieve in such a short story that is packed with action.
Yet there is a final twist that reveals to us that personal lives of the main protagonists may be infected by Zeeka's influence more than it seems at first glance.
I can even imagine this book as a good movie.
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
The Zeeka Series and Giveaway
Book Description
Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies, Book 1, is an engaging introduction to the story of a mysterious vengeful man and futuristic zombies that were created with the misuse of modern science.
The zombies wreak havoc on a small exotic island named Gosh in the year 2036.
This first book ends with a cliffhanger.
Why does this man want revenge?
Who will save the islanders from him?
One man knows his secrets, but can he intervene to stop the carnage?
Who is this man?
Download this Free Book
"Good zombie tale
This is a good zombie story and a great beginning to the series.
Brenda Mohammed is clearly a talented writer.
The action is fast and plentiful, and the author spends a good amount of time developing her characters, which is impressive for a story that is on the short side.
I recommend checking out this story and then following up with the other books in the series!"
Amazon Reviewer: C. A. Hart.
The book is FREE at Amazon Universal Lnk
Book Description
Zeeka's Child: Revenge of Zeeka Book 2 is the second book in the Medical Thriller fiction series, Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka, which contains all five stories.
The story evolves into a more complicated plot.
How will Detectives Jack Wildy and Jerry Cole deal with kidnapping, threatened suicide, killer zombies, and arson?
Will they uncover major corruption in the Police Force?"
Will Zeeka be revealed?
Who is the mystery Master Zeeka, and who is Zeeka's child?
"I was caught off guard and my mind was twisted and turned a few times by the much stronger plot in book two. Many of the first book's questions are revealed here and I'm itching for more.[Amazon Reviewer]."
Get the Book to find out the thrilling details.
Book Description
Zeeka Returns: Revenge of Zeeka Book 3 is the third part in an ongoing series about a vengeful man intent on havoc and destruction in the island of Gosh.
Killer zombies, a robot, and high-tech weapons are part of the scenario.
Did Zeeka abandon his zombies?
Did he escape from the police in the forest?
Who is the heroic woman who trapped Zeeka?
What is Zeeka's fate?
Read this exciting episode in this medical fiction series for all the gory details.
Read the Reviews
'A manhunt and zombie pursuit are underway involving high-tech weaponry. The authorities must use everything they have to stop more bloodshed. The pieces are put together nicely in this thrilling episode of the Zeeka series.[Amazon Reviewer] "
Book Description
Blood, Mayhem, and Horror - Revenge of Zeeka: Horror Trilogy has it all.
In an era of advanced technology and medical advancement, why does Zeeka want revenge?
Who is this man?
Why does he want to unleash terror on the islanders?
Can the authorities stop him, or is he unstoppable?
The plot thickens.
This man has a son, but who is he?
Secrets, betrayal, lies, skeletons in closets, kidnapping, murder, arson, and corruption in the police force are waiting to be uncovered.
Who will save the islanders from Zeeka and his zombies, or will it be too late?
Will good triumph over evil?
Extract of review by Readers Favorite 5.0 out of 5.0 stars.
Revenge of Zeeka, by Brenda Mohammed, is a one of a kind novella trilogy that delivers an incredible story guaranteed to give readers an absolute sci-fi treat. I especially liked how Brenda used current events as the pivotal point from which to build this amazing sci-fi horror. This made the story even more relatable. More importantly, however, I admired how she owned her story and created this captivating version of events. She captured with an amazing depth the setting, characters, plot, and emotions in such few words. If you are looking for a thrilling short read, this fast-paced, sci-fi action novella will give you the time of your life.
When I wrote the Trilogy I had planned to end the story with Book 3.
However, Zeeka kept playing with my brain and I wrote two more books in the series.
I finally ended the story with Book 5.
Book description for Zeeka's Ghost Book 4
Zeeka's Ghost is the fourth story in the series Revenge of Zeeka.
Swift. Silent. Ghostly. Zeeka's Ghost appears to Steven.
Does the ghost have evil intentions?
Are Steven and Mandy targets of unknown enemies?
Are their lives at stake?
Should Steven hunt down and apprehend these ruthless maniacs to save his beloved wife?
Will he succeed in rescuing his wife?
Is Zeeka's Ghost here to harm or help?
5.0 out of 5.0 stars
“Extending from her Zeeka and the Zombies trilogy is Mohammed's most nostalgic offering, Zeeka's Ghost. Zeeka is back but not at all how you expect. Unresolved issues, regrets, and love are all splendidly woven together with the right mix of startling plot twists the author is masterful at. Fans of the series will not be disappointed and new fans will be caught up to speed in no time. Another thrilling read! [Amazon Reviewer]”
Book Description for Resurrection: Book 5
Mandy's robot helper Eve encounters a stranger in the backyard in this medical thriller, Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5.
He claims to have connections with Zeeka.
Who is this stranger?
When he learns that Eve is a robot, he discloses his story to her.
Eve promises him to keep their conversation secret but can she?
She records it on her security device and plays it for Steven and Mandy.
When he collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, Eve alerts the Gosh hospital
Tests and records reveal the stranger's identity.
Police records show that he died in the Carnival massacre in 2036, but did he?
Steven faces opposition to launch his greatest invention of the century.
Who will be the first volunteer to test it?
Get the book for all the answers.
Top Review
5.0 out of 5.00 stars by Kate
This book is a must-read for all fans of the Zeeka series. The book four seemed to conclude the thrilling story and could easily be the last one in the series, but the author surprised me with the fifth book and did not disappoint. Even though the ghost of Zeeka already found his final rest in the book four, someone else who had appeared to be dead, reappears by Zeeka’s grave in Resurrection. One could think that the title of the book points out to his resurrection from the dead, but nothing is as it seems at first glance. Steven and his team of scientists are working on a breakthrough invention in medicine, which can cure severely disabled patients in a way that resembles resurrection. While the series started with possible abuse of medical technology, the last book leaves us hopeful that technology can one day serve us better than most of us can imagine.
Get the books at Amazon Universal Link
Here is your chance to win Zeeka Chronicles which contains all five stories in the series.
Go ahead and click the link below to see if you are one of the lucky winners.
Brenda Mohammed has paid for all prizes, sales tax, and shipping.
Entry requires an account. Amazon will ship prizes to winners. Winners' names may be made public.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. 10 winners will be randomly selected after the giveaway ends.
All winners will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond.
This giveaway started April 6, 2017 6:28 AM PDT and ends May 6, 2017 11:59 PM PDT.
Winner: Randomly selected after Giveaway has ended, up to 10 winners.
Requirements for participation:
Resident of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia
18+ years of age (or legal age)
Follow Brenda Mohammed on Amazon
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Thursday, 9 March 2017
The Wedding Feast at Cana
The largest painting in the world at the Louvre, Paris is 'The Wedding Feast at Cana.
In my book 'Travel Memoirs with Pictures' I described my trip to the Louvre, Paris.
We visited Paris in August 2014 and I was thrilled to see that of “The Wedding Feast at Cana” by Italian Painter Paolo Veronese.
I took a photo of it with my husband standing in front.
This is what is written in the records at The Louvre: ”
'In 1553, Veronese was summoned to Venice where he gave free rein to his decorative talent in vast canvases that blended masterful composition, splendid contemporary costumes, and luminous colors.
The Wedding Feast at Cana graced the refectory designed by Palladio for the Benedictine monastery on the Venetian island of San Giorgio Maggiore.
With masterly freedom of interpretation, Veronese transposed the biblical episode to the sumptuous setting of a Venetian wedding.”
For those of you who do not know the Biblical story of this event I quote from a write-up by the Louvre, Paris below:
“A biblical scene within a Venetian banquet In Cana, Galilee, Christ is invited to a wedding feast during which he performs his first miracle.
At the end of the banquet, when the wine is running low, he asks the servants to fill the stone jars with water and then offer them to the master of the house, who finds that the water has been turned to wine.
This episode, told by the Apostle John, is a precursor of the Eucharist.
The bride and groom are seated at the left end of the table, leaving the center place to the figure of Christ.
He is surrounded by the Virgin, his disciples, clerks, princes, Venetian noblemen, Orientals in turbans, several servants, and the populace. Some figures are dressed in traditional antique costumes, while others—the women in particular—wear sumptuous coiffures and adornments.
Veronese depicts, with apparent ease, no less than 130 feast-goers, mixing biblical figures with men and women of the period.
The latter are not really identifiable, although according to an 18th-century legend, the artist himself is depicted in white with a viola da gamba next to Titian and Bassano, all of whom contribute to the musical entertainment.
The bearded master of ceremonies could be Aretino, whom Veronese greatly admired. Several dogs, birds, a parakeet, and a cat frolic amidst the crowd.'
I bought a copy of a much smaller version of the painting at the Museum shop.
I framed it and it graces my living room.
Before visiting Paris I wrote several poems. One of them was on The Miracle at Cana where Jesus turned the water into wine.
Here is the poem:
Jesus attended a wedding celebration with his mother.
The wine supply ran out at this wedding in Cana.
Jesus’ mother turned to Jesus for help.
But Jesus replied that his time had not come yet.
His mother left it up to Jesus and told the servants to assist.
Six large stone water- pots were standing there in the midst.
Jesus told the servants to fill them with water to the brim.
The servants did what he said and listened to him.
When the jars had been filled Jesus told the servants to dip.
And take some to the master of ceremonies” and they followed his tip.
The master of ceremonies tasted the wine and remarked to the host.
“You have saved the best wine for last. You are a great host.’
This poem is included in Poems which I published in my memoir 'Your Time is Now.'
All of my books are available in Kindle and Paperback at Amazon Universal Link
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Travel Memoirs with Pictures - Our Trip To Venice
Today I will tell my readers a little about Venice, that beautiful city surrounded by water.
I chose a picture of Venice for my book cover which was created by the talented Ciara Power.
I will quote an extract from my book.
"On 19th August 2009, we left Florence and travelled by Eurostar to Venice, which was one place in Italy I always longed to visit. As I sat on the train, I recalled some of the things I was told about this city built on swamps. Some had said that the Grand Canal waters were smelly and it was not comfortable travelling by boats on the fetid waters. I had seen movies with people travelling through the canals on gondoliers. It looked so romantic, and I wondered what it would be like when we got there. I had also read that Venice is the sublime capital of masked carnivals, reveries, intrigue, and romance.
I did not have to wonder for long as we arrived there in less than two hours. We took a water bus to get to our hotel. As we rode through the canal, we saw splendid palaces, bridges, gardens, and warehouses that lined the banks of the Grand Canal. The atmosphere was magical.
I thought that the waterbus would take us directly to the hotel, but we had to walk a long distance lugging our suitcases to get there. We also had to climb several steps at various intervals, as several bridges punctuated the meandering canals. We finally arrived at the Hotel American-Dinesen in Academia and were warmly greeted by the hotel staff. The rooms were elegantly decorated, and we had all the comforts of a good hotel. My sister from Los Angeles had made the bookings for all the hotels in Italy, and she had made superb selections.
When we finally settled in, it was close to 3.00 pm, and we went out to find a restaurant to get some lunch. Every restaurant was closed for siesta, and we were told that we had to wait for dinnertime, which started at 6.00 pm. As the sun was scorching hot, we headed back to the hotel to relax until dinnertime. We all met promptly at 6.00 pm in the hotel’s lounge to head out to dinner, as we were all famished. We found an excellent restaurant in the same area that our hotel was located. The meal was quite tasty and enjoyable.
After dinner, we strolled along the streets and crossed the bridges to take in a good view of the city. The next day the hotel staff arranged a free ride for us on a water taxi to take us to the popular Murano Glass Factory. The water taxi met us at the pier directly in front of the hotel. We all climbed in safely and set off to our destination. My husband took a brief nap on the way.
When we got to the factory, a gentleman was there to greet us and to help us disembark. He took us straight to the shop for a demonstration on how they make glass products. It was a little scary considering the closeness of the fiery furnace required to melt the glass, but fascinating indeed. Then he took us to rooms filled with the finished products. We were not allowed to take photos. Words cannot describe the beauty of the chandeliers, vases, ornaments, and jewellery, which we saw. “Wow!” is only but a mild expression. My husband bought me a set of jewels for our wedding anniversary at that factory and my brother-in-law bought a set for my sister for their anniversary. After we had left the factory, we visited several shops and purchased more jewelry to give as presents to our loved ones at home in Trinidad. We then visited St. Mark’s Square and the Basilica. [St. Mark’s Square]
We did a great deal of walking in Venice, through many alleys and back streets that led to the places of interest. Besides, as we navigated through the streets and climbed many steps across bridges, we had the opportunity to browse the many shops and to do shopping. We also stopped now and again to watch the stately gondoliers drive down the canal. A ride cost eighty Euros per person, so we skipped that trip and watched others splurge. A ride in the water taxi or waterbus was much cheaper."
To read the rest of the experience in Venice and to see the pictures you can purchase the books at Amazon Universal Link THe book is also available in Paperback at Amazon.
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Resurrection : Revenge of Zeeka Book 5
Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka Book 5 was released on Friday 25th, 2017.
On 27th Feb. 2017, the book received a five-star review.
as a reader, I do like ghost stories and this paranormal element was handled well ...
ByKato's Revenge on February 27, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
In an entertaining conclusion to the Zeeka series, Resurrection brings the story full circle. If you haven’t read any of the stories in the series, it’s worth starting with book one ‘Revenge of Zeeka’ just to see the author evolve alongside the story and her characters.
For me, the high point of the series was this book’s predecessor, Zeeka’s Ghost, but then, as a reader I do like ghost stories and this paranormal element was handled well in book four.
This final installment is quite surprising as it brings back the rather disturbing character of Nine from book one. Nine is on a mission all of his own, and when he learns of technology that may save him from the Zika virus and help him on his ultimate goal (read to find out) – he’s all for the procedure, despite the risks.
Aside from this storyline the quirkiness of the robot Eve adds some humour to the story. The characters that have been with us throughout the series get a good send off too.
The book is available in Kindle and paperback at Amazon Universal Link and at Books2 Read Universal link
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Zeeka Stories now in Paperback
Hello, Readers. I am now pleased to advise that all of the Zeeka Stories are now in Paperback on Amazon
1. Revenge of Zeeka Book 1:Zeeka and the Zombies
2. Revenge of Zeeka Book 2: Zeeka's Child
3. Revenge of Zeeka Book 3: Zeeka Returns
4. Revenge of Zeeka Book 4: Zeeka's GHost
5. Revenge of Zeeka Book 5: Resurrection
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
Zeeka's Ghost:Revenge of Zeeka Book 4
The Zeeka stories continue with Zeeka's ghost appearing to Steven.
Swift. Silent. Ghostly.
Zeeka's Ghost appears to Steven.
Does the ghost have evil intentions?
Are Steven and Mandy targets of unknown enemies?
Are their lives at stake?
Steven must find a way to hunt down and apprehend these ruthless maniacs and save his beloved wife.
Will he succeed?
Is Zeeka's Ghost here to harm or help?
Zeeka's Ghost is the fourth story in the series Revenge of Zeeka.
"A thrill ride
Extending from her Zeeka and the Zombies trilogy is Mohammed's most nostalgic offering, Zeeka's Ghost. Zeeka is back but not at all how you expect. Unresolved issues, regrets, and love are all splendidly woven together with the right mix of startling plot twists the author is masterful at. Fans of the series will not be disappointed and new fans will be caught up to speed in no time. Another thrilling read!"
Amazon Reviewer
If you want to read the first three stories in one book then get "Revenge of Zeeka: Horror Trilogy"
Five Star Review from Readers Favorite International.
"In Revenge of Zeeka by Brenda Mohammed, the island of Gosh is under attack by an army of zombies under the command of a vengeful science genius. In the year 2016, the Zika virus broke out in Central and South America with life-threatening effects for pregnant women. Given a choice to save the mothers or the unborn babies, a decision was made to save the mothers. The tiny stillborns were securely and secretly buried. Only a few people knew of this. Unknown to everyone, however, a certain scientist managed to get hold of all 51 bodies, bring them back to life, and condition them to follow his command, creating himself a perfect army of zombies. Now, twenty years later, the evil scientist seeks revenge on those he holds responsible for the stillbirths. Only three of the current doctors at Central Hospital - Raynor, Mark, and George - witnessed the unfortunate events of 2016. The three have strong suspicions about who might be controlling the zombies. Meanwhile, Zeeka is lying in wait for the perfect time to unleash his army onto the island. Zeeka has big, evil plans and this is just the beginning. In a desperate search for answers, and with very little to go on, the doctors search for the elusive Master Zeeka. Will they save the islanders from Zeeka and his zombies, or will it be too late?
Revenge of Zeeka, by Brenda Mohammed, is a one of a kind novella trilogy that delivers an incredible story guaranteed to give readers an absolute sci-fi treat. I especially liked how Brenda used current events as the pivotal point from which to build this amazing sci-fi horror. This made the story even more relatable. More importantly, however, I admired how she owned her story and created this captivating version of events. She captured with amazing depth the setting, characters, plot, and emotions in such few words. If you are looking for a thrilling short read, this fast-paced, sci-fi action novella will give you the time of your life."
And here is an extract of a new five-star review I received yesterday
The many twists and turns in this trilogy make it exciting, thrilling and suspenseful. The reader wants to keep reading to find out what will happen next. The first book ends on a cliffhanger and a wrong assumption of who the real villain is. One is forced to continue reading the second book to find the answers. The second book builds more suspense as we discover that the real culprit is not the one we had assumed. We have to read the last book to find out if the guilty person was really apprehended.
The book is very carefully thought out and planned. Gosh appears to be a symbol of the author's native country. It describes the carnival celebrations and the pleasant weather. Justice prevails and the evil doer is captured. Jason, whose real name is Steven, finds happiness at the end and marries Janet's older sister. The book illustrates clearly the crime definitely does not pay. The good are rewarded and the bad are punished.
All in all, this is a well-written trilogy that makes interesting reading, keeps the reader in suspense, and encourages the reader to continue reading to see what will happen next. The author exhibits creativity in the way she manipulates the plot and creates a solution to tie up all the loose ends.
Books available at Amazon Universal Link and Create Space for Paperback
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Poems to awaken your soul - The Miracle at the Wedding at Cana
POEMS TO AWAKEN YOUR SOUL This poem is taken from the section "Poems to Awaken your Soul" at the back of :Your Time is Now":
Jesus attended a wedding celebration with his mother.
The wine supply ran out at this wedding in Cana.
Jesus’ mother turned to Jesus for help.
But Jesus replied that his time had not come yet.
His mother left it up to Jesus and told the servants to assist.
Six large stone water pots were standing there in the midst.
Jesus told the servants to fill them with water to the brim.
The servants did what he said and listened to him.
When the jars had been filled Jesus told the servants to dip.
And take some to the master of ceremonies” and they followed his tip.
The master of ceremonies tasted the wine and remarked to the host.
“You have saved the best wine for last. You are a great host.’
When I wrote this poem I had not yet visited Paris and The Louvre Museum of Paintings. I visited Paris in August 2014 and I was thrilled to see that there was a painting of "The Wedding Feast at Cana" by Italian Painter Paolo Veronese. It was the largest painting in the Louvre. I bought a copy.
This is what is stated in the records at The Louvre: "
In 1553, Veronese was summoned to Venice where he gave free rein to his decorative talent in vast canvases that blended masterful composition, splendid contemporary costumes, and luminous colors. The Wedding Feast at Cana graced the refectory designed by Palladio for the Benedictine monastery on the Venetian island of San Giorgio Maggiore. With masterly freedom of interpretation, Veronese transposed the biblical episode to the sumptuous setting of a Venetian wedding." For those of you who do not know the Biblical story of this event I quote from a write-up by the Louvre, Paris below: "A biblical scene within a Venetian banquet In Cana, Galilee, Christ is invited to a wedding feast during which he performs his first miracle. At the end of the banquet, when the wine is running low, he asks the servants to fill the stone jars with water and then offer them to the master of the house, who finds that the water has been turned to wine. This episode, told by the Apostle John, is a precursor of the Eucharist. The bride and groom are seated at the left end of the table, leaving the center place to the figure of Christ. He is surrounded by the Virgin, his disciples, clerks, princes, Venetian noblemen, Orientals in turbans, several servants, and the populace. Some figures are dressed in traditional antique costumes, while others—the women in particular—wear sumptuous coiffures and adornments. Veronese depicts, with apparent ease, no less than 130 feast-goers, mixing biblical figures with men and women of the period. The latter are not really identifiable, although according to an 18th-century legend, the artist himself is depicted in white with a viola da gamba next to Titian and Bassano, all of whom contribute to the musical entertainment. The bearded master of ceremonies could be Aretino, whom Veronese greatly admired. Several dogs, birds, a parakeet, and a cat frolic amidst the crowd.
Monday, 23 June 2014
Book Reviews - Your Time is now : A Time to be born and a Time to Die

Thoughtful reflections on the meaning of verses 1 to 8 of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 of the Bible
on June 22, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
In her characteristic easy to read style, the author provides an insightful interpretation of the 8 verses of Ecclesiastes that were used in the famous song by the Byrds. Drawing on personal experiences, an astounding knowledge of the Bible, general observances and reflections on life, the author examines these verses and presents her interpretation in as clear and understandable a manner as possible. She narrates several stories from her own life to illustrate each verse and shows how her faith helps her to overcome many obstacles and to live a successful and happy life.
This is an inspiring book which clearly shows that when one applies the principles of the Bible to real life, one can get marvelous results. It is an uplifting book and should be read by anyone who wants to restore his or her faith in God or in life in general.
A true story told with pure intentions and true feelings May 17, 2014
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
A true story told with pure intentions and deep feelings. It's simplicity and well scripted chapters grow into each other methodically and freely. The reader is impelled to move on with ease and comfort. There is a pervasive humility in each incident which truly reflects the author's character and personality. Her pride in her heritage and family ties touches deep into the soul and absorbs the attention of the reader. Personal circumstances told, reflect her openness to inform and tutor at the same time, what one can derive from challenges unexpected, if rooted in the trust one places in God.
The author's implicit belief in divine intervention summarizes her message. I have enjoyed, I have been touched and have had my personal convictions reiterated in this most interesting and soul searching book. I recommend it to all especially to you who in times when the clouds grow dark- the silver linings emerge to remind us of a light emerging on the other side. This is the author's story.
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